
  • 网络Wright;Wright Company;Wrightengines
  1. 本课题的研究,一方面能对莱特公司品牌运营模式的建立提供一些指导,对其他中小型企业提供一些参考和借鉴;

    Research of this thesis has two functions , on one hand , it can give Laite company a guidance in the brand operating and provide other medium companies reference and consult ;

  2. 在本文最后的章节中,作者从建设莱特公司内部采购组织和加强莱特公司外部供应商管理两个方面给出了国际采购策略的实施保障。进而使得该论文不仅具有理论指导意义,更能应用于实践。

    At the last chapter , author gave out some methods of guarantee to implement the strategy from two aspects of building inner purchasing organization and outer management of suppliers so that making sure this thesis not only have theory meanings but also have practice meanings .

  3. 北京EDI纯水设备,莱特莱德公司水处理设备制造厂是生产纯水设备!

    Beijing EDI pure water equipment , Wright rider company water treatment equipment factory is the production of pure water equipment !

  4. 为了感谢温莱特对亚马逊公司的事业所做的贡献,公司在自己的校园内以他的名字命名了一栋建筑。

    A computer scientist named John Wainwright purchased the book , and to thank him for his business , Amazon named a building on their campus after him .

  5. SolidFire公司创始人兼CEO戴夫o莱特表示,他的公司2013年的年增率达到700%,而每个季度都比上一季度增长50%。

    Dave Wright , SolidFire 's founder and CEO , says his company grew 700 % year over year in 2013 and 50 % quarter over quarter this year .