
  1. 根据城市化与生态环境含义及其PSR框架,在灰色技术支持下,由灰色关联度系数、关联度矩阵和耦合度构建了耦合系统指标体系和评价模型。

    According to connotations of urbanization and eco-environment and its PSR framework , the index system and the appraisal model were built by grey technique . The model includes grey associative coefficient , grey associative degree matrix and coupling degree .

  2. 改造后的GM(1,1)模型适用于以井身参数为自变量的非时间序列,将灰色预测技术引入了水平井钻井周期的预测之中。

    The new GM ( 1,1 ) can deal with the parameter that is not time alignment , so GM ( 1,1 ) is led into well-drilling time prediction . At the beginning the well bore is divided into three parts .

  3. 文中提出的SCGM(1,h)和SCGM(1,1)模型为灰色预测技术提供了新的基础和途径。

    The SCGM ( 1 , h ) model and SCGM ( 1,1 ) model developed in this paper are the new results in the grey system theory and method that provide a new basis for grey system modelling and new approach to the grey forecasting technique .

  4. 基于时间序列的灰色预测技术在估产模型中的应用

    The application of time-sequence gray forecasting methods in crop production statistics models

  5. 灰色推理技术及其智能应用研究

    Research on Grey Reasoning and Its Intelligent Applications

  6. 灰色预测技术在数据样本缺乏时,相对其它方法而言更有效。

    Grey forecast technology is more effective than other method when data sample is lacked .

  7. 本文较为详细的介绍了灰色预测技术和人工神经网络预测技术。

    This article introduces the grey forecast technology and the artificial neural network forecast technology in detail .

  8. 采用对舰艇运动的坐标跟踪法,应用灰色预测技术,建立舰艇的灰色预测动态模型。

    Using grey prediction and coordinate tracking , this paper sets up a dy-namic grey prediction model for a ship .

  9. 将客户需求融入到冰箱的设计过程中,应用语义的客户需求分解方法、改进质量屋和正交灰色关联技术,最后获得融合客户需求的电冰箱产品设计方案优选。

    Customer demands of the refrigerator integrate into design process , and finally get to the product design program preferred meeting customer demand .

  10. 特色之三是多重分形谱与灰色识别技术的巧妙结合,实现了三维油气预测的新尝试。

    The third trait is the skillful link of the multi-fractals spectrum and the technology of grey identification and implementing the new try of three-dimensional oil & gas forecast .

  11. 文章最后利用随机模拟和灰色模拟技术,结合遗传算法,采用上述方法对含有随机变量和灰色变量的不确定条件下的生产计划进行优化求解。仿真结果说明所建模型及求解方法的有效性。

    Finally , the method is used to solve the production planning problem which includes uncertain parameters , and the validity of the method is verified by simulation results .

  12. 本文给出了如何使用灰色模拟技术处理复杂的灰色机会约束以及基于遗传算法的模型求最优解的过程,并提出用灰色模拟技术结合遗传算法求解生产计划问题中的灰色不确定规划问题。

    Finally , mathematical model for production planning which includes grey parameters is studied in details and how to use grey simulation technology to get the best result based on genetic algorithm is introduced .

  13. 对被怀疑异常的数据,主要根据量测数据的时空性,采用了灰色关联技术和因素分析等方法进行判别分析,并结合具体工程实例进行了验证。

    Based on the space-time character of the monitored data , the discredited abnormal data are examined by the gray theory and the element analysis , and the method is tested in a project finally .

  14. 运用GM(1,1)模型及灰色系统预测技术,对福建省国营卫闽林场未来若干年内总收入进行动态预测,并对结果予以分析与讨论。

    GM ( 1,1 ) - model and Grey System prediction technology were adopted in this paper to predict the coming year 's total income of weimin state-run forestry farm of Fujian province in a dynamic way , and the result analysis and discussion were also focused upon .

  15. 基于灰色神经网络技术的陶瓷电性能分析

    Analysis of Ceramic 's Electricity Performance Based on Gray Neural Network

  16. 灰色规划在技术转让谈判中的应用

    Application of Grey Programming in Negotiation About Technical Transfer

  17. 区带/圈闭的灰色综合评判技术方法研究

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Grey Theory on Play and Traps

  18. 事故伤亡率的灰色预测货运技术与海损事故

    GREY FORECAST OF ACCIDENT INJURY AND DEATH RATE Cargo Carrying Technique and Marine Casualty

  19. 本文在分析探讨工程项目评标指标体系的前提下,建立了基于灰色关联分析技术与定性指标的模糊隶属度理论相结合的工程评标的数学模型。

    Under the research of the indicator system of evaluating bid for engineering projects , a mathematic model based on fussy mathematics and grey relational analysis was established in the paper .

  20. 对以往的泥石流危险性评价方法进行了总结,介绍了模糊数学、灰色理论和GIS技术在泥石流危险性评价中的应用。

    The authors summarize the used methods on the assessment of debris flow hazards , and introduce fuzzy mathematics , grey theory and GIS which is applied to the assessment of debris flow hazards .

  21. 基于灰色模型的企业技术创新影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors influencing technology innovation with the grey model

  22. 灰色理论和优化技术在三相流解释中的应用

    An Application of Grey Theory and Optimization Technique to Three phase Flow Interpretation

  23. 基于层次灰色模型的铁路技术创新绩效综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation of technological innovation performance of railway on the basis of the Hierarchy Grey Model

  24. 建立了技术跨越能力评价指标体系,在此基础上提出了基于灰色聚类的企业技术跨越能力评价程序;并研究了高科技企业各阶段的技术跨越战略选择问题。

    This part firstly establishes an evaluation index system of technological capability in technological leapfrogging . By using the grey cluster method , it puts forward the assessment procedure .

  25. 采用灰色系统理论的思想和模型技术,在索洛模型的基础上建立灰色技术水平度量模型,分阶段分析了河南省农业技术进步等要素对农业总产值增长的贡献率问题。

    By means of Grey System and the Solow Model , a phased analysis has been given for the contribution rate to the gross agricultural product , of factors like technological advances in agriculture in Henan Province .

  26. 将灰色系统理论引入工期预测中,研究了灰色预测建模技术,结合实例给出了工期预测算法。

    In addition to introducing the grey theory into duration forecast , the modeling based on the grey theory is researched , and forecast-algorithm is also supplied through an example . 5 .