
  • 网络A Cinderella Story;cinderella
  1. 他每天的生活就像一个灰姑娘的故事。

    His daily life was just like in a Cinderella story .

  2. 我是如此地幸运,但我的生活并不是《灰姑娘的故事》。

    I 'm so lucky , but it 's not necessarily like A Cinderella Story .

  3. 你们许多人都听过灰姑娘的故事,但你们可能不知道讲述灰姑娘故事的方式有一百多种。

    Many of you have heard a Cinderellastory , but you may not know that there are over a hundred different ways to tell the Cinderella story .

  4. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  5. 该剧的主题可与灰姑娘的故事或Netflix的关于女王伊丽莎白二世统治时期的《王冠》相比。

    Its theme may be likened to a Cinderella tale or Netflix 's The Crown that chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II .

  6. 那就是我,你知道灰姑娘的故事,对吗?

    There I am . You know the Cinderella story , right

  7. 进入新世纪,灰姑娘的故事在电影和电视剧中不断上演。

    Accessing the new century , Cinderella performs in films and dramas .

  8. 在我看来,这是有最好的灰姑娘的故事。

    In my opinion this is the best Cinderella story that there is .

  9. 王室专家罗杰·隆格伦表示这是一个真实版灰姑娘的故事。

    It 's a real Cinderella story , says royal expert Roger Lundgren .

  10. 我的灰姑娘的故事场景时,你认为他们最终会看到?

    My Cinderella story scene when do you think they 'll finally see ?

  11. 灰姑娘的故事,历史的生产,生活就会通过音乐!

    Historical production of Cinderella story , will come to life through a musical !

  12. 不过,比起这位27岁的现实版灰姑娘的故事,这些造型上的改变就相形见绌了。

    But these conversions pale in comparison to the 27-year-old 's real-life Cinderella story .

  13. 我们来讲一个灰姑娘的故事。

    We are gonna read about cinderella .

  14. 我把你们打发上床之前,还来得及讲完灰姑娘的故事。

    And before I put you to bed I have just time to finish the story of Cinderella .

  15. 纵观全世界,灰姑娘的故事一直是备受喜爱的。

    Throughout history , in cultures around the world , the story of Cinderella has remained a favorite .

  16. 灰姑娘的故事影响了很多小说,电影,歌曲,舞蹈的作者。

    The story of Cinderella has influenced many creators of books , movies , songs , and dances .

  17. 但随着惊喜感的消逝,我慢慢开始意识到,这不过又是一个灰姑娘的故事。

    But after a fleeting moment of surprise , I soon realized it was just the same Cinderella tale all over again .

  18. “彼得,”温迪兴奋地说,“那就是灰姑娘的故事,王子找到她了,后来他们就永远幸福地住在一起。”

    " Peter ," said Wendy excitedly ," that was cinderella , and he found her , and they lived happily ever after . "

  19. 《幸福最晴天》是安徽电视台自制剧幸福三部曲中的第二部,讲述的是一个关于王子和灰姑娘的故事。

    " Sunny Happiness " is AnHui Television 's self-produced Happiness Trilogy 's part two , depicting a story between a prince and a cinderella .

  20. 《灰姑娘的故事》对于解读《坡顶上的房间》发挥了隐文效果,而后者也充分利用前者对其意义进行重构,成为其意义生产之源;

    Cinderella 's Story exerts " the effect of a hidden text " on The Room at the Top , and the latter reconstructs its meaning with the former , which becomes its meaning source .

  21. 她说:“我亲身体验了一把”灰姑娘的故事“。我以前从不社交,我没朋友,每天花很多时间读书。我希望这些经历能够提醒人们不要变胖。”

    She said : ' It 's my own Cinderella story . ' I didn 't socialise - I had no friends and I spent a lot of time just reading . ' I also hope it warns other people from getting fat . '

  22. 按照原型批评的观点来看艾丽丝·沃克的《紫色》,我们就会发现沃克在这部作品中为我们讲述的只不过是一个关于灰姑娘的故事,在整部作品中贯穿的是受难与拯救的主题。

    Seeing Alice Walker 's The Color Purple , according to the view of the archetypal criticism , we will find the work is just a story about the Cinderella , it was the theme of suffering hardship and rescuing that ran through in the whole works .

  23. 《格林童话》中灰姑娘的故事可谓无人不知无人不晓:善良的乡下姑娘惨遭妒忌心强、性情残暴的后妈虐待,却并未对生活失去希望,最终,她赢得了英俊王子的心。

    Few people aren 't familiar with the Brothers Grimm 's Cinderella , a fairy tale about a kind-hearted country girl who endures mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and jealous stepmother . The girl never loses hope or becomes jaded by her circumstances , and eventually she wins the heart of a dashing prince .

  24. 这是一个现代版“灰姑娘”的故事,却不完全是一个童话故事。

    This is a Cinderella story , but not precisely a fairytale .

  25. 时尚品牌喜欢参与到灰姑娘式的故事里来,毕竟这本身就是时尚核心叙事的一部分。

    Brands love being involved in a Cinderella story , after all : It is part of the essential narrative of fashion .

  26. 这是一则王子同灰姑娘结婚的爱情故事。

    This is a romance about a prince who married a poor girl .

  27. 让学生回顾《灰姑娘》的经典故事。

    Greeting and let the students see some pictures of the Cinderella .

  28. 有78%的人在树立恋爱的信仰中都会出现像灰姑娘这样的童话故事元素。

    Elements of fairy tales such as Cinderella were present in 78 percent of people 's beliefs about romantic love .

  29. 我们可以从两个方面来说:第一,这是现代版的童话故事,讲述了有关灰姑娘与王子的故事,再次引起了人们对童话世界的向往。

    We can run from two aspects : First , this is the modern version of the fairy tale , tells the story about Cinderella and the prince once again raises the fairy tale world for himself .

  30. 还是毛头小子的时候,我们就听过《睡美人》,《灰姑娘》之类的很多故事。

    Growing up as little boys , we 've heard the story of Sleep Beauty , Cinderella , and many others .