
  • 网络gray fox
  1. 浓密的皮毛和机警的眼神让这种灰狐狸能在智利阿塔卡马沙漠的寒冷恶劣气候中得以生存。

    Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh , often cold climate of Chile 's Atacama Desert , the driest place on Earth .

  2. 美洲狮睡觉的时候,灰狐狸可能会发现她的猎物,跑来抢走一口。

    While the puma sleeps , grey foxes discover her catch , and snatch a bite .

  3. 美餐一顿之后,灰狐狸蹦蹦跳跳的跑开了,尸体则被兀鹰啄食干净。

    Outweighed and out-numbered , the foxes scamper away , leaving the carcass to be stripped clean by the condors .