
  1. 各大江河防洪标准得到了较大幅度的提高。

    The flood-control standard of major rivers and lakes has increased considerably .

  2. 东北几大江河水利水电开发规划总结

    The Planning of Water Resources Development on Large Rivers in North East China

  3. 以跨越公路、铁路、海湾、大江河为主的大跨径梁桥被广泛应用。

    Long-span bridges which cross roads , railways , bay and river are widely used .

  4. 中线和西线调水的基本方案。通过三条调水线路与长江、黄河、淮河和海河四大江河的联系,为华北地区供应农业、工业生产用水及生活用水。东线工程的供水范围是黄淮海平原东部地区。

    The project will have three water diversion routes , namely the eastern route , middle route and western route .

  5. 六大江河和若干湖泊的治污研究全面展开,为水资源保持、水污染防治提供了科学依据;

    A widely spreading of study on pollution control in six big rivers and some lakes provides a scientific base for water resource prevention and pollution control .

  6. 通过对江西五大江河流域内的测站降水进行统计,分析了各流域的暴雨、连续大降水过程等降水气候特征;

    By statistics of precipitation to the observatory stations along Jiangxi five river basins the climate features such as torrential rain in each basin , continuous heavy precipitation procedure have been analyzed .

  7. 黄河三角洲作为我国与长江三角洲、珠江三角洲并列的三大江河三角洲之一,已被国家和山东省列为重点开发建设的区域。

    Besides the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta , the Yellow River Delta is one of the three major Deltas in our country , which has been ranked as a key developing region in Shandong province as well as in the country .

  8. 我国许多大的江河流域冲积平原土壤普遍存在重金属Cd异常,食用生长在其上的粮食是人体摄入Cd的一个主要途径。

    Soil Cd anomaly is ubiquitous in alluvial plains along rivers .

  9. 全省80%的资源集中分布在金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河三大江河上,开发条件优越。

    80 % hydropower potential in Sichuan is in the Jinsha River , the Yalong River and the Dadu River which can be well developed .

  10. 在信息化的大趋势下,江河上的大小船只,需要一种既能保障船舶安全航行,又能满足更多精细化服务的信息系统,船联网便应运而生。

    Under the trend of informatization , all kinds of ships on rivers need a information system , which can not only ensure the safety of the navigation , but also meet more refinement services .

  11. 尤为我国大西南众多的大江河水利电力开发提供了宝贵经验。

    And also affords a valuable experience for the exploitation of water conservancy and electric power using many big rivers in the southwest of China .