
  • 网络eco-tourists;Ecotourist;Ecotourists
  1. 一种生态旅游者的识别与细分方法&以北京市百花山自然保护区为例

    A Technique Used in the Identification and Segmentation of Ecotourists : A Case Study of Baihuashan Nature Reserve in Beijing

  2. 按照生态旅游的四体理论,生态旅游系统由主体(生态旅游者)、客体(生态旅游资源)、媒体(生态旅游业)、载体(生态旅游环境)组成。

    According to the four-body theory of ecotourism the system is composed of the main body ( ecotourists ), the object ( ecotourism resources ), the media ( ecotourism industry ) and the carrier ( ecotourism environment ) .

  3. 试析我国生态旅游者的心理行为特征

    On the Psychological Behavior Characteristic of Our Country Eco-tourist

  4. 湖北省的神农架原始森林吸引着生态旅游者。

    Shennongjia prime Forest in Hubei province attracts eco-travelers .

  5. 随着游客数量的增加,这些生态旅游者来蜂鸟栖息地看鸟,

    As the number of visitors , eco tourists who come to humming bird habitats to watch the birds ,

  6. 漂流旅游由于其自身的特殊性,已逐渐成为生态旅游者最富旅游体验的项目之一。

    Drifting tour with its special favor has become one of the most challenging eco-travel sports loved by the braves .

  7. 生态旅游者的心理需求和行为特征研究&以武夷山国家级自然保护区为例

    Study on Psychological Need and Behavior Characteristic of Ecological Tourists : Taking National-level Nature Reserve of Wuyi Mountain as An Example

  8. 本文通过对武夷山风景区生态旅游者的调查研究,为我国生态旅游市场的研究提供了基本的数据支持和理论基础,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The paper has certain significance for it has provided basic support data and theoretical basis for the research of our ecotourism market .

  9. 本文基于对当今国内外生态旅游者的动机和行为的调查,分析比较了国内外生态旅游者动机与行为的异同。

    Based on an investigation of motivations and behaviors of Chinese and foreign eco-tourists , this paper made a comparative analysis of the differences between the two groups .

  10. 生态旅游者具有特有的心理需求和行为特征。探新求异、放松身心、返朴归真、回归自然、净化心灵是生态旅游者的心理需求。

    Ecological tourists possess the characteristics of peculiar psychological need and behavior that are : to relax body and mind , return really , return to nature and purify soul .

  11. 研究结果还表明:生态旅游者的队伍在不断壮大,旅游经营者应及时开发适销对路的生态旅游产品。

    The result of study indicates that ecological tourists ' population is strengthening constantly , and the manager of tourism should develop the readily marketable ecological travelling products in time .

  12. 到武夷山的生态旅游者具有如下行为特征:首选的旅游项目是登山和野营,其比例分别为25%和23%;

    Ecological tourists getting to Wuyi Mountain possess the characteristics of the following behavior : the first-selected travel project is climbing and camping , the proportion is 25 % and 23 % respectively ;

  13. 不仅可以保证生态旅游者在旅游地的体验质量,更保证了当地自然、社会与经济环境的质量,减少其受到旅游活动破坏的可能性。

    Do it this way may not only guarantee the quality of eco-tourists experience in resort , but it may ensure the local nature , social and environment quality to reduce the likelihood of damage by ecotourism activities as well .

  14. 在静态分析中,从微观方面分析了生态旅游者、生态旅游资源开发商、地方政府和当地社区居民之间的相互法律利益关系;从宏观方面分析了环保组织、社会公众和媒体之间的关系。

    In the static analysis , the author will analyze the mutual legal interests of the ecological tourists , the developers of ecotourism resources , local governments and local residents from the micro aspects ; analyze the relations among environmental organizations , the public and media from the macro aspects .

  15. 最后,对如何实现生态伦理对旅游者行为规范指导作用进行了论述。

    And then , finally , discusses on how to achieve the ecol - ethics norms ' guiding role on tourist 's behavior .

  16. 在这种背景下,远离尘嚣、回归自然、返璞归真的绿色生态旅游活动备受旅游者们的青睐,已成为人们旅游的首选,并已日渐成为一种旅游时尚。

    Against this background , the green eco-tourism activities which are away from the busy shopping centre and back to nature have been favored by tourists , and has increasingly become a tourist fashion .

  17. 提出了生态伦理应用于旅游者行为规范的基本原则、生态伦理对旅游者行为规范的现实功能表现及其实现方式。

    Bring forward the basic principles of ecol-ethics used in tourists behavior norms , the function performance of ecol-ethics used in tourists behavior norms , and the way of achieve the ecol-ethics norms ' guiding role on tourists behavior .

  18. 生态旅游区是生态旅游者的目的地,在生态旅游业发展中具有举足轻重地位与作用。

    As the important concourse for ecotourism to be accomplished , ecotourism district are the destinations for ecotourism .

  19. 漂流生态旅游已逐渐成为生态旅游者中勇敢者最富旅游体验的项目之一。

    Drifting Eco tourism is becoming an exciting activity of Eco tourism for the most daring tourists .

  20. 作为生态旅游活动主体的生态旅游者在生态旅游健康发展的道路上起着至关重要的作用。

    As the subject in the ecotourism activities , eco-tourists play a key role in the healthy development of ecotourism .

  21. 生态旅游日益受到人们的关注,生态旅游者作为旅游活动的主体,对其研究也随之不断完善。

    The research on the eco-tourists as the main body of eco-tourist activities is continuously improved .

  22. 生态旅游资源是随生态旅游的兴起而出现的新概念,具有其独特性,它是吸引生态旅游者回归大自然的客体,又是生态旅游活动得以形成和发展的物质基础。

    The eco-tourism resources are a new concept which appears with the eco-tourism . They have the distinctive quality . They are the objects which attract the ecology tourist to return the nature , and the material bases of the eco-tourism .

  23. 生态旅游景区的注意力管理包涵经营者的注意力管理,对环境保护的注意力管理、员工的注意力管理、生态旅游者的注意力管理、当地居民的注意力管理等。

    In detail , the attention management of eco-tourist scenic spots includes the management of operators ' attention , staff ' attention , eco-tourists ' attention as well as local residents ' attention , and the management of awareness to environmental protection , etc.

  24. 全文共分六章:第一章对生态旅游的概念、内涵、生态旅游的特点进行了探讨,并比较了生态旅游与传统旅游的区别,介绍了生态旅游者的定义和生态旅游者的培养。

    Chapter One discusses the concept , connotation and features of ecotourism , combines with the differences on ecotourism and conventional tourism and introduces the concept and cultivation of ecotourism travelers .

  25. 山西生态旅游资源丰富,最适宜进行生态旅游的自然保护区和森林公园数量很多,但山西生态旅游的实践远未跟上生态旅游创意者们的意愿。

    Eco-tourism resources of Shanxi Province are rich , the number of nature reserves and forest parks of the most suitable for developing eco-tourism is a lot , but the practice is far from the eco-tourism wish of Shanxi planners .

  26. 通过对自然保护区环境下生态旅游环境教育的研究,有助于构建一种新的环境教育实践模式&以自然保护区为背景、以生态旅游活动为依托、以生态旅游者为教育对象。

    By studying the environmental education of ecotourism in nature reserves , we hope to create a new pattern of environmental education , in which nature reserves are background , eco-tourism is support and eco-tourists are educational objects .