
  • 网络Deuter;Dot;Graeme Dott;dort
  1. 他正要去多特的卧室,被默特尔拦住了。

    He started for Dot 's bedroom and Myrtle held him back .

  2. “拜托!”多特反驳道,“它们又便宜又管用。”

    ' For heaven 's sake ! ' Dot expostulated . ' They 're cheap and they 're useful . '

  3. 慢性HBV感染患者缺乏强的多特异性T细胞免疫反应,却显示出很弱的或检测不到的病毒特异性T细胞反应。

    Patients with a chronic HBV infection lack such a vigorous multi-specific T-cell response , but instead exhibit a weak or undetectable virus-specific T-cell response .

  4. 大约20%的多发性硬化症患者鞘内产物人疱疹病毒6型抗体(IgG)可能与多特异性B细胞反应有关

    Intrathecal antibody ( IgG ) production against human herpesvirus type 6 occurs in about 20 % of multiple sclerosis patients and might be linked to a polyspecific B-cell response

  5. 在这一过程中的一个关键人物,便是桃乐丝·布劳尔(DorotheaBrauer),她是一位说话直白、为人善良的心理辅导师,大家都叫她多特(Dot)。

    One key to the developments is Dorothea Brauer , a plain-spoken , big-hearted mental health counselor known to everyone as Dot .

  6. 布尔多特博士正试图用双眼对我催眠。

    Bourdette trying to send me to sleep with his eyes .

  7. 三月份他们离开多特时,包法利夫人已怀孕了。

    When they left Tostes in march , Madame Bovary was pregnant .

  8. 多特到达时十分焦虑不安。

    Dot arrived in a state of great agitation .

  9. “蜥蜴小组”后来说,它接受了多特康姆的提议,停止了攻击。

    The group claiming to be LizardSquad later said it had accepted Mr. Dotcom 's offer and stopped the attacks .

  10. 分属于16个科47个种(变种),其中多特有种及稀有种。

    They are classified into 47 species ( varieties ) in 16 families , many of which are endemic and rare species .

  11. 可是过了不久,他又觉得有人在盯着他&布尔多特博士那双冷酷的眼睛在背后盯着他。

    But before long , he felt those eyes again , the hard eyes of Bourdette , looking at him from behind .

  12. 宋利用职务之便,把大部分的个人财产投资到国外的通用汽车公司和多特等公司的股票上面。

    Using his easy access to the Chinese treasury , he made large personal investments in foreign stock , including holdings in General Motors Corp.

  13. 经济学家布鲁斯o萨塞尔多特曾使用与医学研究者用于检验某种头痛新疗法同样的方法:随机测试。

    The economist Bruce Sacerdote used the same technique that medical researchers would use to test a new headache remedy : a randomised trial .