
duō yīn cí
  • polysyllabic word
  1. 英文文语转换系统中的韵律生成模块和多音词消歧模块均必须用到单词的词性信息,因而词性标注是英文TTS系统中一个非常重要的部分。

    Part-of-Speech is essential for prosody generation module and homograph disambiguation module in English TTS ( text to speech ) system .

  2. 现代汉语多音词自动标音研究

    The Research of Automatic Phonetic Notation on Chinese Polyphonic Words

  3. 字音标注主要解决多音字和多音词的注音问题。第一个字音像no。

    How to deal with the polyphones is a challenge for the text to PinYin conversion . The first word sounds like no.