
  • 网络polystichum
  1. 鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris为多系类群,耳蕨属Polystichum和贯众属Cyrtomium均为并系类群。

    Cyrtomium and Polystichum are both resolved as paraphyletic , and Dryopteris polyphyletic ;

  2. 认为九州耳蕨P.kiusiuenseTagawa是大叶耳蕨P.grandifronsC.Chr.的一异名,二尖耳蕨P.biaristatum(Bl.)Moore极有可能并不分布于喜马拉雅、中南半岛、缅甸和云南。

    Chr . and it is very possible that P. biaristatum ( Bl. ) Moore is not distributed in the Himalayas , Indo China , Myanmar and Yunnan .

  3. 方法:AB-8大孔吸附树脂吸附复叶耳蕨总黄酮启用不同浓度乙醇解吸附,采用紫外分光光度法测定其黄酮含量。

    Method : Total flavone was adsorbed from arachniodes exilis by bigger - hole resin and desorbed by ethanol of different concentration . Content of total flavone was measured by ultraviolet spectrometry .

  4. 中国西部耳蕨属新资料

    New materials of the fern genus Polystichum Roth from Western China

  5. 报道了蹄盖蕨属耳蕨状蹄盖蕨组植物2系8种;

    Two series and eight species of genus Athyrium Sect .

  6. 结论:复叶耳蕨中含有大量黄酮。

    Conclusion : There is rich flavone in arachniodes exilis .

  7. 他以褐柄剑蕨、耳羽瘤足蕨示例,“都是根据外形来命名的,很好认”。果然,很形象。

    He took Loxogramme duclouxii Christ and Plagiogyria stenoptera for example . " They are named by their shapes for easy recognition . " It 's indeed very vivid .