
ěr shì
  • decorative objects worn on ears;earring
耳饰 [ěr shì]
  • [earring] 挂在耳上的饰物

  1. 有些妇女戴着翡翠耳饰。

    Some women wore jade studs in their ears .

  2. 新疆维吾尔族传统黄金耳饰艺术探微

    The Traditional Gold Earring Art of the Uigur nationality

  3. 喜欢耳饰,因为她们的静态美,会动态的展示在我的身上

    Like the earrings , because of their static beauty dynamically display in my body

  4. 本校严禁学生染发、配戴耳饰或颈鍊。

    Pierced ears and earrings , necklaces and bracelets are not allowed in this school .

  5. 当地女人穿戴长裙逛完市场走回家,敞亮的耳饰叮丁当看成响。

    Local women walk home from the market wearing long skirts with ringed by bright hoops .

  6. 200年以来,人们只把耳饰同女性联系起来,但最近,男人们已经开始重新佩戴耳饰了。

    Associated exclusively with women for about 200 years , guys have recently started to reclaim them .

  7. 第四章考察了耳饰的佩戴习惯及其与随葬品的组合关系。

    The fourth chapter investigated the habits of wearing earrings and its combination with other burial objects .

  8. 结论:穿耳孔宜用激光或经严格消毒后的注射器针头,配戴纯金或银耳饰。

    Conclusion : Auricular lobules are best perforated with Nd : YAG laser or semiconductor diode laser and syringe needle after strict sterilization .

  9. 香港承训堂藏中国古代耳饰赏析中国晚期金饰展

    Ancient Chinese Ear Decorations Collected Xu Xiaodong by Cheng Xun tang of Hong Kong Exhibition of gold decorations of the late period of China

  10. 55岁的加格和他的妻子一起在新德里附近的古尔冈黄金市集选购黄金耳饰。

    R.K.Garg , 50 , and his wife are shopping for gold earrings at the Gold Souk Mall in Gurgaon , close to New Delhi .

  11. 除了选择与出入场合相符的不同着装、搭配合适的鞋帽之外,佩戴得体的耳饰也可对整体形象起到画龙点睛的效果,给人眼前一亮的视觉感受。

    Except in different occasions choose different dress , tie-in appropriate footwear , wear appropriate earring also can make the finishing point to whole image of effect , give a person the freshness .

  12. 方法:分析79例耳垂瘢痕患者的穿孔方法与配戴的耳饰,用手术加放射治疗。

    Method : 79 cases with HTS of auricular lobule were analyzed on the methods of perforation and the varieties of ear-jewelry ( earrings etc. ) , and were treated with surgery and radiation therapy .

  13. 影视明星们最常佩戴的首饰是耳饰,并且耳饰款式较为夸张与当时流行的烫发造型相呼应,因主要考虑荧屏佩戴的效果所以首饰材质的高档与否不是非常重要。

    The movie stars always worn earring , and the styles were very exaggerate and echoing with the perm style . As mainly considering the screen effect , the material of the earrings was not so important .