
  1. 关于我国证券交易制度对股票收益影响的研究

    A Research of the Influence between the Trading Mechanism and Stock Returns

  2. 证券交易制度与股票价格探析

    The Analysis of Securities Exchange System and Stock Price

  3. 论目前我国证券交易制度中存在问题及解决途径为显示难度,这四个部分按难易程度排列的。

    On Existing Problems in the Security Transaction System and their Countermeasures ; The four sections are presented in order of difficulty .

  4. 如何客观地评估一个市场证券交易制度是证券交易制度设计与变革需要解决的首要问题。

    How to objectively assess a market securities trading system is the most important issue of the securities trading system design changes need to be addressed .

  5. 考察证券交易制度发展演变的历史,可以发现两条主线:一是交易机制,二是交易组织体系。

    Examine the evolution of securities trading system history , can be found in two main lines : First , the trading mechanism , trading organization system .

  6. 本文专门设计了证券交易制度变革的三维空间战略,即市场变革战略、交易方式变革战略、产品变革战略。

    This paper specifically designed strategy of three-dimensional space , the Securities and Exchange institutional change that market transformation strategy , trading strategies for change , products change strategy .

  7. 本文从证券交易制度的核心即价格形成机制入手,通过分析竞价制和做市商制各自的运作原理剖析了在这两种不同交易制度下证券价格的形成。

    This article starts with price formation mechanism , the core of trading systems , as it influences the price fluctuation and the quantities of potential investors in the stock market .

  8. 证券交易制度与社会主义市场经济的发展至关重要,而操纵市场则是严重的人为性干扰证券价格行为,因此刑法上特别规定了对操纵市场罪加以处罚。

    The system of securities transaction is essential to development of socialist market economy . Operating market is serious artificial behavior of interfering security price , so there is an especially rule on criminal law to punish the crime .

  9. 二是从纵向角度,通过建立证券交易制度效率指数,为计算分析不同历史时期同一证券市场证券交易制度的质量提供了定量分析工具。

    Second , analysis of the quality of the different historical periods of the same securities market trading system from the vertical angle , through the establishment of the Securities and Exchange system efficiency index is calculated to provide a quantitative analysis tool .

  10. 上市公司退市机制是证券交易制度的一个重要组成部分,其对净化市场,提高上市公司质量进而从整体上提高股份公司质量有着十分重要的意义。

    The withdrawal mechanism of listed company is an indispensable element in regulations of stock market . It plays an important part in purifying the stock markets and in improving the quality of listed companies , thus increasing the level of stock companies as a whole .

  11. 国内证券信用交易制度探讨

    Discussion of the Credit Trading System of Domestic Securities

  12. 证券信用交易制度是国际证券市场普遍采用的交易方式。

    Securities credit trading system is widely adopted in the international securities market transactions .

  13. 台湾的融资融券经过40余年的试错和发展,建立了较为完善的证券信用交易制度。

    In Taiwan , the Securities credit transaction system has developed for 40 years .

  14. 美国禁止证券内幕交易制度研究

    Study on American Security Insider Trading Forbiddance System

  15. 第三章是我国证券信用交易制度思考。这是本文的重点部分,也是本文写作的最终目的。

    This is the key part of this paper , also the ultimate goal of writing .

  16. 证券信用交易制度已为各国和地区的证券市场广为采用,并发展为不同的模式。

    Margin Requirement System has been widely adopted in security markets by many countries and regions and has developed in different patterns .

  17. 两岸三地主板市场证券交易法律制度之比较研究本文通过比较英美等国有关上市公司收购立法,结合中国国情,分析了我国上市公司收购的法律制度,并对相关制度的完善提出一些初步建议。

    The treatise studies the legal system of the takeover in the method of comparative jurisprudence based on the specific condition of China , and gives some suggestion .

  18. 但从世界范围看,做市商制度是证券市场交易制度的一种趋势,因此提出在国内发展做市商制度的一些建议。

    But dealer system is a trend of deal system in securities markets in the world , so it brings forward some advices of developing dealer system in China .

  19. 本章主要对证券信用交易制度的基础法律理论进行剖析,明确该制度的内涵和外延,分析证券信用交易业务的基本流程、法律运作流程以及原理做了详尽的论述。

    This chapter mainly talks about the basic legal system theory , and analyze the denotation and connotation of the system , the margin of business process , basic principles and profit-making mode , the function and the risk of the system in detail .

  20. 然而,利用事件研究法和分组法进一步的考察表明,证券市场微观交易制度才是造成AH股价差的深层次原因。

    However , further investigation shows that market trading system is deep-seated reason which led to the price of A-share is much different form the price of H-share , using event study method and grouping method .

  21. 最后分析了我国的证券信用交易监管制度。

    Finally this chapter analyzes the supervisory system of margin transaction .

  22. 基于反操纵的证券交易信息披露制度分析

    Analysis on the Mechanism of Security Transaction Information Disclosure Based on Anti-manipulation

  23. 我国证券市场交易成本制度研究

    On the Trading Cost System of China 's Securities Market

  24. 第一部分证券信用交易基本制度。

    Part 1 is about the basic margin requirement system .

  25. 证券信用交易法律制度研究

    Legal Research on Margin Trading

  26. 第三部分是国外证券信用交易法律制度比较研究。

    Part 3 focuses on comparison research on the credit transaction system adopted by foreign security company .

  27. 本文最后对如何完善国内证券市场大宗交易制度提出了政策建议。

    Finally the article proposes some policy advices to perfect the rules of large trade in the domestic security market .

  28. 第四部分是我国未来证券信用交易法律制度的基本构想,是本文的核心部分之一。

    Part 4 displays the basic designation of China security margin requirement system , which composes the core part of this article .

  29. 在证券市场的交易制度中,竞价交易制度和做市商制度是世界国际证券市场交易制度的两大核心。

    Securities market trading system , auction system and the market maker system is a two core trading system of the international securities markets .

  30. 证券错误交易撤销制度的理论基础是撤销权,与传统的撤销权存在诸多不同。

    Securities transaction system based on the theory of error cancellation is right of revocation , there are many different with the traditional right of revocation .