
  • 网络security paper;Bond paper
  1. 办公系统中用于打字的无涂层纸,类似于证券纸,但更薄,可用于复写。

    In office systems , uncoated paper produced for typewriting , similar to bond but lighter , used for carbon copies .

  2. 棉花是制浆造纸的优质原料,主要用于生产高档文化用纸、证券纸和生活用纸。

    Cotton is a good quality raw material for making pulp and paper . It is mainly used to produce high-grade culture paper , security and household paper .

  3. 论证券无纸化条件下证券资产安全的法律维护机制

    On The Legal Mechanism of Safeguarding the Securities Assets under the Conditions of Securities Dematerialization

  4. 证券无纸化与中国证券登记存管制度检视证券市场周期变化相关因素实证分析

    Securities dematerialization and Review of China 's Securities Registration and Depository An Empirical Study on the Related Factors of Cyclical Changes in the Securities Market