
zhènɡ hūn rén
  • Marriage witness;chief witness at a wedding ceremony;one who officiates at a wedding
证婚人 [zhèng hūn rén]
  • [chief witness at a wedding ceremony] 婚礼上证明男女双方正式结为夫妻的人

  1. 他是我们婚礼的证婚人之一。

    He was one of the witnesses at our wedding .

  2. 两人在清晨趁着毫不知情的父母熟睡之际出发,还叫上了Mika七岁的姐姐Anna-Lena做他们的证婚人。

    The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping , and took along Mika 's seven-year-old sister , Anna-Lena , as a witness to the wedding .

  3. 其他一些夫妇会选择在公共建筑里由证婚人主持成婚。

    Other couples are married by a judge in a public building .

  4. 他在婚礼中当证婚人。

    He served as a witness at the wedding .

  5. 戈培尔和鲍曼作为证婚人也签了名。

    Goebbels and Bormann signed as witnesses .

  6. 那么证婚人也不会走了。

    So the wtnesses don 't ieave .

  7. 我们的证婚人还在等我们呢。

    Our wtnesses are watng for us .

  8. 愿意做我证婚人吗?

    Would you be my witness ?

  9. 我的旅馆主人当证婚人兼书记,这样我们就结婚了,我们都非常高兴。

    My landlord was father and clerk all together , and we were married and very merry we were .

  10. 但是,日本的一家酒店似乎并不在意这些,他们居然允许新人们租用羊驼来当证婚人。

    But this seems lost on a hotel in Japan that allows couples getting married to hire an alpaca to act as the witness .

  11. 中间的魏斯在观看她与特里的结婚证书,他们的朋友和证婚人都参加了婚礼。

    Amber Weiss , center , and Sharon Papo looked at their marriage certificate with Terry Nail , their friend and witness at their wedding .

  12. 他们获得特别许可请了一位证婚人,打算在3月17号的下午4:30举行仪式。

    They arranged a special licence for a registrar to come to the Webbs ' home and conduct the ceremony at 4.30pm on March 17 .

  13. 我和我丈夫就在两个证婚人的陪同下登记结婚了,但是后来我们举行了三个庆祝晚会。

    My husband and I got married in a registry office with just two friends there as witnesses . But then we had three parties to celebrate .

  14. 但是,就在婚礼举行的前一月,她的病情恶化了;于是两人请了一位证婚人,打算第二天就在家中完婚。

    But a month before the wedding , Jemma Webb 's condition worsened , and the couple arranged for a registrar to marry them at home the next day .