
  • 网络Securities Sales
  1. 他们可为证券交易人员、证券销售人员、财务机构的财务管理员,银行助理职员和保险公司员工。

    They can become members of securities trading staff , securities sales staff , financial administrators of financial organizations , assistant bank clerks and employees of insurance companies .

  2. 在金融资产证券化过程中,特殊目的机构以证券销售收入偿付发起人资产出售的价款,而以资产未来产生的现金流偿付投资者的投资收益。

    In this process , SPV pay the price for the sale of assets to sponsor by securities sales , while pay investors the investment income from the future cash flow of the assets .

  3. 一家公司的证券销售情况。一家公司的证券销售情况。

    The general condition of the sale of securities in a corporation .

  4. 同时由于股市不断下跌,来自共同基金及证券销售的费用收入肯定会有所下降。

    And fee income from sales of mutual funds and securities will surely drop given the falling stock market .

  5. 记者对日本30多名经纪人、机构投资者、对冲基金、监管者、议员和律师进行采访后发现,日本存在这样一种风气,即证券销售人员经常通过向客户爆料来换取业务,其中不乏一些机密信息。

    Interviews with more than 30 brokers , institutional investors , hedge funds , regulators , legislators and lawyers suggest an environment in which securities salespeople regularly fed customers gossip and analysis , mixed with scraps of confidential information , in return for business .

  6. 当他们在市场操作时间进行证券的销售和交易时,通常并不好接近。

    People who are involved in the sales and trading of any product and instrument are probably not the most approachable type of people during the market hours .

  7. 这是2011年案件的一部分,当时包括美国银行在内的18家金融机构被指控误导抵押贷款证券的销售,这些证券在房地产泡沫破灭后引发了危机。

    It 's part of a 2011 suit filed against 18 financial agencies including Bank of America over allegations the banks falsely represented mortgage loans behind those securities which soured after the housing bubble burst .

  8. 资产证券化真实销售认定标准探析

    On Cognizance Criteria of True Sale in Asset Securitization

  9. 本文以中信建投证券公司基金销售业务管理与分析系统开发为例,分析了基金销售业务组织结构、主要业务流程,然后进行统一建模和优化。

    After analyzing the organizational structure of the fund sales and the main operational flow , we optimized the system with a uniform model .

  10. 很讽刺的是投资分析员所以能够建立公信力,往往是因为他们与从事证券包销或销售的投资经纪行有联系,或受雇于这些机构。

    It is ironic that the credibility of investment analysts has hitherto come from their association or employment with investment houses that are in the business of underwriting or selling securities .

  11. 尽管新股上市数量很少、并购活动有限,但今年第一季度已经有了些起色,这是因为债券发行活动剧增,汇率、利率和证券产品的销售与交易也活跃起来。

    The first quarter of this year – in spite of a dearth of stock market listings and limited merger and acquisition activity – has seen some recovery as bond issuance has soared and sales and trading of currency , interest rates and securities products have picked up .

  12. 投资银行还将触角伸到了复杂金融证券的承销和销售领域,如债务抵押凭证(cdo)。

    Investment banks also expanded into the underwriting and selling of complex financial securities , such as collateralised debt obligations .

  13. 一个证券很快在销售尝试使用让参加者交易进去电影的股票的一个地点解决那一个问题的分录簿被公布。

    A paper soon to be published in The Journal of Marketing tries to solve that problem using a site that lets participants trade in " stocks " of movies .

  14. 基金一般都是通过银行或者是证券公司的网点销售,有些基金公司也可以通过网上买卖基金。

    Fund is to pass a bank commonly or the site sale of stockjobber , some fund company also can pass fund of the buying and selling on the net .

  15. 现在,如果野村证券在构建美国销售网络时,能够抓住它确实想要的客户关系银行家,它有机会让这项收购最终带来效益。

    Now , if Nomura can hold on to the relationship bankers it really wants , while building its US distribution , it stands a chance of eventually making the numbers work .

  16. 笔者运用实质重于形式原则,以中国会计准则作为立足点,从经济本质和法律形式两方面阐述资产证券化中真实销售认定标准。

    The thesis , based on substance-over-form principle , referencing Chinese Accounting Standards , describes the identification criteria of true sale in asset securitization from two aspects of economic essence and legal form .

  17. 但是,有价证券的购买是作为现金流出看待的,有价证券的销售则被视为现金流入。

    But the purchases of marketable securities are treated as cash outflows , and sales of marketable securities are treated as cash inflows .