
  1. 心系病证如冠心病、房颤以及动脉粥样硬化在研究撷取的缺血性脑中风患者中的比例分别达到34.3%、13%、65.7%。

    Diseases such as coronary heart disease , atrial fibrillation and artery atherosclerosis in the study of ischemic stroke patients captured in the proportion accounted for 34.3 % , 13 % , 65.7 % respectively .

  2. 工人上岗证,如电梯工、起重机械操作工及铲車司机等。

    Operator Certificate such as Lift Operator , Lifting Appliance Operator and Forklift Driver , etc.

  3. 特殊工种员工上岗证,如:电工,锅炉操作工,叉车工,电梯操作工等。

    Certificate or license for electrician , boiler controller , forklift controller , elevator operator , etc.

  4. 非特殊情况,禁止借用他人图书证,如有遗失,请及时向图书馆老师报失,并请补领。

    Loss of library card should be reported to the library teacher and application should be made for replacement .

  5. 《自动进口许可证》如有遗失,收货人应当立即向原发证机构以及自动进口许可证证面注明的进口口岸地海关书面报告挂失。

    If Automatic Import License is lost , the consignees should report the loss of it to license issuing administrations and the customs of the import port indicated in the license .

  6. 许可证持有人如在施工(包括在海床挖泥)期间发现任何古物或沉船残骸,须即时通知民政事务局古物古迹办事处。

    6The Permit Holder shall inform the Antiquities and monuments office , Home Affairs Bureau immediately should any antiquities or shipwrecks be found during the construction , including dredging of the seabed .

  7. 发给某居民的暂离证,如有遗失涂污或损坏,该居民须立即向中心接待处的当值高级公职人员报告。

    A resident shall report forthwith to the senior public officer on duty in the reception unit at the centre any loss or defacement of or damage to a temporary leave pass issued to the resident .

  8. 天麻双膝颗粒可以有效改善高血压前期肝肾阴虚型人群的中医临床证候,如头痛、眩晕、耳鸣、腰酸、膝软等。

    Tianma hyssop particles can effectively improve liver-kidney deficiency pre-hypertension at TCM clinical syndromes , such as headache , dizziness , tinnitus , backache , knee soft and so on . 3 .