
  • 网络Evidence Science;science of evidence
  1. 难道缺乏了决定性的证据科学也不确定了吗?

    That the evidence was inconclusive , the science uncertain ?

  2. n.逻辑,理学逻辑不是信念的科学,而是证明或证据的科学。

    logic Logic is not the science of belief , but science of proof or evidence .

  3. 论命题与经验证据和科学证据符合

    The Correspondence of the Proposition With Empirical Evidences and Scientific Evidences

  4. 他们只是接受了可靠证据和科学研究新发现的事实。

    They are just accepting the truth that all credible evidence and scientific research shows ,

  5. 除非附有证据,科学不承认任何权威者的意见。

    Science refuses to accept , unless accompanied by proof , the dicta of any master .

  6. 逻辑不是信念的科学,而是证明或证据的科学。

    Logic be not the science of belief , but the science of proof or evidence .

  7. 但是寻找更多证据的科学怀疑主义同意识形态上拒绝科学证据的顽固不化是有本质差别的

    But there is a world of difference between scientific skepticism that seeks out more evidence and ideological stubbornness that shuts it out

  8. 计算机信息证据作为科学技术发展并运用到一定阶段的产物,日益显示出强大的证据作用,由于它自身的独特之处,给目前尚无法可依的诉讼实践带了诸多疑问。

    As the production in certain level in the development of science and technology , the computer information evidence steadily appears with great effect .

  9. 第二部分对心理学证据的科学性和合理性进行分析,以说明心理学证据应当成为刑事证据。

    The second part of the psychological evidence , scientific and rational analysis to show evidence of psychological evidence that should become a criminal .

  10. 建立一个从管理和技术上都可靠的保管链,加强对计算机证据的科学严密的审查判断,保证计算机证据的真实可靠性。

    Establish the accurate storing system both from management and from technique , enhancing the investigation and judgment of computer evidence , and ensuring the dependability of computer evidence .

  11. 用科学的证据和科学的管理指引心血管疾病的防治以科学发展观引领水土保持与荒漠化防治专业与学科建设

    Leading Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease with Scientific Evidence and Management ; Major and Subject Construction of Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating Guided by Scientific Development View

  12. 我相信(没有证据或科学依据),微型表达式还可以揭示情感是无意识或仅部分涉及正在谈论什么。

    I believe ( with no proof or scientific basis ) that micro-expressions can also reveal emotions that are unconscious or only partially related to whatever is being talk about .

  13. 消除成见,以真正辨证唯物主义的科学态度来研究和借鉴自由心证是加速我国刑事证据制度科学化的必须。

    If accelerating the scientific process of the system of criminal evidence of our country , we must study and consult free evaluation with the scientific attitude of real dialectical materialism without prejudice .

  14. 他们会查看大量的经验性证据和科学证据,这些证据基本上都表明,在做一些错事的时候,青少年不像成年人一样能够在大脑中意识到自己在做什么。

    They looked at a lot of evidence , scientific evidence basically showing that juveniles are less able to manufacture in their brains what they 're doing when they 're doing something wrong unlike an adult .

  15. 科学技术的进步对司法证明方法的发展一直起着重要的推动作用,电子证据是科学技术发展过程中产物,属于社会科学与自然科学交叉的研究领域。

    The development of science and technology has made a great improvement on judicial proof method . Electronic evidence which belongs to the cross field of social sciences and natural sciences was born with the development of science and technology .

  16. 循证医学是20世纪国际临床医学领域迅速崛起的一门新兴学科,医学文献中的情报和信息是循证医学的最佳证据或科学证据的来源。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is a new subject which rose rapidly in international clinical medicine in the 20th century . The intelligence and information in medical documents is the source of the optimum evidence and the scientific evidence of EBM .

  17. 专家证据是引入科学证据的最初方法。

    The testimony of experts is the primary means of introducing scientific evidence .

  18. 医学诊断学则是找出疾病存在的证据的医学科学。

    Medical diagnosis is medical science which finds out the factual evidences of the existing disease .

  19. 以物证及其相关的鉴定结论等证据构成的科学证据、应该成为司法证明最主要的手段。

    The scientific evidence that is composed of tangible evidence and forensic authentication conclusion should play the most important role in the judicial proof .

  20. 而且有很多证据表明在科学和经济上进行合作的国家兵戎相见的可能性就少了很多。

    And there is a lot of evidence that countries that are collaborating scientifically and economically are much less likely to find themselves at war against each other .

  21. 通过剖析刑事诉讼中司法鉴定的四个热点问题,反思传统司法鉴定观念根源,以期完善鉴定证据制度的科学构建。

    Based on the current four forensic problems in criminal proceedings , traditional concepts of forensic science were analyzed , so as to promote the scientific development of forensic appraisal .

  22. 区分科学证据中的科学知识和测量数据两个部分并且参考科学文献对科学证据中单个科学知识的可靠性作出判断;

    To differentiate the two parts of scientific evidence , scientific knowledge and measure data , and make a judge on the reliability of single scientific knowledge in scientific evidence through scientific reference ;

  23. 除了联合国调查之外,英国东安格利亚大学的调查工作也在进行之中。该学校表示,他们将查看,是否有证据表明一些科学数据被篡改或镇压。

    This UN probe is in addition to an investigation under way at the University of East Anglia which says it is looking to see if there is any evidence that scientific data was manipulated or suppressed .

  24. 然后主要地围绕着法官如何认定科学证据来阐述科学技术促进司法正义实现的基本机制&根据区别科学与非科学的一般标准对科学证据是否科学作出初步判别;

    Then mainly encircling justice how to judge scientific evidence it expounds studying of basic system of science-technology promoting judicial justice 's realization-justice make a elementary differentiation on scientific evidence whether science or not according to general standard ;

  25. 因特网上的医学文献浩如烟海,并且增长速度也很快,怎么才能检索到我们所需要的临床证据,最科学的方法是按照循证医学证据的级别依次进行检索。

    There are many Medical literatures on the Internet , and the growth rate is soon , how can we access to the clinical evidence we need , most scientific method is based on the level of medical evidence searched .

  26. 科学证据就是借助科学原理和技术方法发现和揭示出来的各种事实材料,其内涵是科学原理和技术的证明性,其外延则由于法律对科学知识的确认而表现出开放性的特点。

    The scientific evidence is various kinds of factual materials found and announced through the scientific principle and technological method , its intension is the weight of proof of scientific principle and technology , its extension demonstrates the open characteristic because scientific knowledge is notarized by law .

  27. 实际上,在DNA证据听证会上,科学鉴定的可采性和重要性的法律差别已经变得越来越模糊了。

    In practice , the legal distinction between the admissibility of scientific testing and the weight that should be given that testing has become increasingly blurred in DNA evidenciary hearings .

  28. 美国的电子证据和法庭计算机科学

    Electronic Evidence and Forensic Computer Science in the United States

  29. 为了保证交通执法证据的准确、科学和有效性,并实现24小时不间断的交通监督、管理和控制,需要引入无人值守的自动化监控设备和系统。

    To ensure the accuracy of evidences of traffic violence events , and implementation of uninterrupted traffic surveillance , management and control , it is necessary to bring in automatic traffic manage and surveillance system .

  30. 传统的道德判断研究一直以来都强调认知因素而忽略情绪因素,但是近年来,各种行为学的证据及认知神经科学的证据都表明,情绪因素对道德判断也有着十分重要的作用。

    The traditional moral judgment researches always emphasized the cognition factor and neglected the emotional factor . However , in recent decades , various evidences of behavior and cognitive neuroscience have indicated that the emotional factor are also playing a rather important role in moral judgment .