
  • 网络Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences
  1. 中国司法鉴定制度的出路亦在于此。

    The way out of the judicial identification system is just this .

  2. 中国司法鉴定的古代史

    Ancient Chinese History of Expert Testimony

  3. 果真如此,则是中国司法鉴定制度之幸事,更是中国法治事业之幸事。

    So it is , that is the fortunate thing in judicial identification , also in legal career system in China .

  4. 在市场经济日益发展、法制建设日益加强的今天,中国现行司法鉴定制度所赖以存在的理论基础正在弱化,实践中也暴露出越来越多的缺陷和问题。

    Nowadays with the development of market economy and the strength of ruling by law , the theory basis of judicial appraisal institution is weakening .

  5. 海事司法的证据之王&中国首家海事司法鉴定中心诞生记实

    Establishment of China 's First Maritime Expert Testimony Center

  6. 第三部分提出并分析中国现行刑事司法鉴定启动制度的问题及其产生原因。

    The third part raises problems of judicial expertise startup system in our country and the solution to them .

  7. 文章立足于中国现行司法会计鉴定制度存在的弊端,提出了建立适合中国国情的司法会计鉴定制度的构想。

    Based on the existing disadvantages of Chinese judicial accounting identification system , the authors give some propositions concerning Chinese judicial accounting identification system .

  8. 因此,加紧司法鉴定立法,确立、健全具有中国特色的司法鉴定制度,解决司法鉴定中存在的问题,使之与现代诉讼活动的发展相配套、相适应,就显得极为紧迫。

    So it becomes pressing to speed up legislation of appraisal institution , to perfect the legal system , to resolve the problems of it , to make it more adapt to the development of lawsuit .