
  • 网络chinese logic
  1. 中国逻辑史研究的误区

    Some Malpractices in the Study of the History of Chinese Logic

  2. 这是中国逻辑史学界的弱点之一。

    This is one of fatal weakness in Chinese logic historians .

  3. 中国逻辑史研究50年概览

    A survey of 50 years study of logic history in China

  4. 中国逻辑史研究和有关争论

    Research of the History of Chinese Logic and Relevant Debates

  5. 应用:中国逻辑研究的软肋

    Application : the Weak Point of Logic Research in China

  6. 论中国逻辑史研究中的肯定与否定

    On Affirmation and Negation in the Research of the History of Chinese Logic

  7. 当代中国逻辑的现代化及其问题

    The Modernization of Contemporary Chinese Logics and Its Problem

  8. 佛教逻辑也称为因明学,是印度逻辑和中国逻辑的重要组成部分。

    The Importance of Logic Education for the Quality-oriented Education at Middle Schools ;

  9. 温公颐中国逻辑史研究试探

    On WEN Gong-yi 's research about Chinese logic

  10. 中国逻辑史其实就是中国逻辑哲学史。

    The history of Chinese logic is actually the history of Chinese philosophy of logic .

  11. 中国逻辑与中国传统伦理思想&儒家诚信思想解读

    Chinese Logic and Traditional Chinese Ethical Thoughts

  12. 中国逻辑史研究的对象、范围、目标指向以及中国逻辑的基本走势等;

    The object , range , objective of study and the development of Chinese logic .

  13. 试论先秦儒家正名对中国逻辑的贡献及负面影响

    On the Pre-Qin Dynasty Chinese Name for the Logic of the Contribution and a Negative Impact

  14. 中国逻辑元研究

    The Meta-research of Chinese Logic

  15. 20世纪的中国逻辑史研究,有两个最有意义的事件,一是世纪初开展的中西逻辑比较。

    There are two most significant events in the study of Chinese logic during the 20th century .

  16. 中国逻辑与中国传统数学

    Traditional Chinese Logic and Mathematics

  17. 而中国逻辑与西方亚里士多德逻辑既有共通性、也有特殊性。

    Compared with the West Aristotle logic , Chinese logic shares some commonalities and also has its features .

  18. 在研究思路上,他主要从纯形式逻辑角度去研究中国逻辑史。

    On the thought of research , he studies the history of Chinese logic from " pure form logic " .

  19. 第一阶段,是20世纪初至30年代末,这是中国逻辑史研究的开拓时期。

    The first phase is the pioneering phase , dating from the beginning of 20th century to the end of 1930s .

  20. 一次有理有据的回应&简评张忠义《中国逻辑对必然地得出的研究》

    The Right and Justified Response & A Brief Commentary on Research of Chinese Logic to Certain Gain by Zhang Zhongyi ;

  21. 现任华东师范大学副校长,兼任中国逻辑学会副会长。

    He is now Vice President of ECNU while holding a concurrent post as Vice President of the Logic Association of China .

  22. 墨家对于逻辑学规律的研究对中国逻辑史作出了极其重要的贡献,对于我们的逻辑思维也是富有启发性的。

    Mohist School 's researches into logical regulations contributed much towards Chinese logical history and give great enlightenment to our logical thinking .

  23. 中国逻辑首先是逻辑思想,因此,要用逻辑的观念、逻辑的方法来梳理中国学术中的逻辑思想。

    Chinese logic is logic thought , so we should use logic concept and logic method to analyze logic thoughts in Chinese culture .

  24. 中国逻辑研究的方法主要有逻辑解读、文化解读、动态分析和比较研究等方法。

    The logic of research methods in China is mainly the logical interpretation , cultural interpretation , dynamic analysis and comparative research methods .

  25. 中国逻辑自然也应是理解和诠释中国传统伦理思想的重要途径和依据之一。

    Naturally , Chinese logic should also be one of the important channel and basis in understanding and interpreting traditional Chinese ethical thoughts .

  26. 中国逻辑史的对象是关于中国思想史中与推理有关的思想学说的研究。

    The history of Chinese logic object is about the history of Chinese thought and reasoning related to the study of the ideological doctrine .

  27. 中国逻辑是在中国文化特殊的背景下产生的,有其产生的特点和需要。

    The reason why China doesn 't have western logic is because Chinese logic is emerged from special background with it 's characteristic and demands itself .

  28. 构建中国逻辑的横向体系,编写出教科书式的中国逻辑读本,是一项极具意义的学术工程。

    This book is an academic project of great importance aiming at a crosswise system of the Chinese logic in a reader of the text-book style .

  29. 中国逻辑史研究的中心任务是研究中国古代推理理论的特点及其产生和发展规律。

    The central task of the study of the history of Chinese logic is to investigate the features and developing laws of the ancient Chinese theory about inference .

  30. 墨学中所包含的逻辑方法,经过后世学者的发掘整理,在中国逻辑史上具有了里程碑式的意义。

    The logic in Mo Zi 's theory , explored and sifted by scholars of later generations , is of a milestone significance in the history of Chinese logic .