
  • 网络Three religions in one;unity of the three teachings;Three Religions in the One;combination of three religions;syncretism of the three religions;three churches incorporated into one
  1. 屠隆对三教关系也有自己的看法,最初他强调三教合一,认为三教有各自的特点和应用领域,他们本于一源,是天道之体的不同化用。

    Tu Long had his own opinion about the relationship . At first , he laid stress on the syncretism of the three religions . He thought the three religions owned theirs features and should be applied into different parts .

  2. 宋代社会,三教合一的影响达到了空前的盛况,它直接深入文人文化心理素质层,对文人心胸涵养、思维模式的扩展和变化起了决定性的作用。

    The combination of three religions greatly affected scholars in cultural psychological quality and mode of thinking .

  3. 中国古代帝王政治与三教合一

    Monarchism In Ancient China And Three Religions In One

  4. 《西游记》三教合一思想分析

    Analysis of the Cimbination of the Three Religions of the Book " Journey to the West "

  5. 史浩是南宋新“三教合一”的代表人物。

    Shi Hao was a representative of the Unification of the Three Religions in the South Song Dynasty .

  6. 小说描述了一个佛、道、儒三教合一的世界,蕴涵了丰富的宗教传统文化。

    It depicts the three religious worlds of Buddhism , Taoism and Confucianism , which contains abundant traditional religious cultures .

  7. 无论是在秘密教门还是在秘密会党中,三教合一的思想都有很充分的表现。

    Either in secret religious sects or in secret societies , the three religions in one ideology had its manifestations .

  8. 本文论述太谷学派以儒佛道三教合一的思想解释《大学》格物致知,提出了自己新的观念。

    This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  9. 三教合一对农民反抗思想的影响&以中国秘密社会为视角的探讨

    The Influence of Three Religions in One on the Peasants ' Spirit of Revolt & An Exploration in the Perspective of the Secret Societies in China

  10. 《西游记》中的宗教思想是明代三教合一思潮的产物。

    The religious thought of Journey to the West is a typical model of " the unification of the Three Religions " in the Ming Dynasty .

  11. 士大夫文化精神的指归&《西游记》三教合一新论

    The Orientation of the Cultural Spirit of Chinese Scholar-Officials - A New Interpretation of the Combination of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism in Pilgrimage to the West

  12. 他的许多思想,比如三教合一思想、童心说、肯定女性的地位与作用的思想等等,在历史上有重要地位。

    His thoughts , such as union of three religions , " Tongxin Shuo ", affirming status and function of women , etc , are very important in history .

  13. 赵朴初人间佛教与宗教和平思想略论南宋元明时期佛教三教合一思想略论

    A Brief Discussion of the Thought of Union of the Three Religions in the Buddhism during the Period from the Southern Song Dynasty to the Yuan and Ming Dynasties

  14. 重庆大足宝顶山大佛湾是一个布局合理,构思严密、三教合一的雕像群。

    Dafo sinus of Baoding Mountain in Dazu county , Chongqing city is a reasonable community of integrated overall arrangement , rigorous conceptual design , and three religions in the same places .

  15. 在唐代三教合一的历史背景下,文人茶酒生活中所呈现出的这些现象都是顺理成章的。

    Under the background of the three religions ( Confucianism , Taoism , Buddhism ) unity , these phenomenon reflected in the tea and wine life of literati became a reasonable result .

  16. 泰山娘娘是明清以来我国北方最大的神祗,三教合一是其显著的宗教文化特征。

    The Empress of Mount Taishan is the biggest deity in North China since Ming and Qing Dynasties . " Three religious merging into one " is her obvious character of religious culture .

  17. 是全国重点文物保持单位,是国内仅存的佛、道、儒三教合一的独特寺庙。

    It is one of the key cultural relics sites under state protection and the only temple in existence featuring the cultures of the three Chinese religions , i. e. Buddhism , Taoism and Confucianism .

  18. 这与其坎坷的人生经历,儒、释、道“三教合一”的思想特点及其所处的时代有密切的关系。

    His attitude toward life is in close relation to his rough life , the thinking trait of " religious integration " of Confucian , Buddhism , and Taoism , and the age he lives in as well .

  19. 中国在五千年的历史长河中经过不断的融合与发展,逐渐形成了三种文化,自汉唐以来,逐渐三教合一,即儒、释、道。

    China has five thousand years long history of continuous integration and development , gradually formed a three cultures , since the Han and Tang Dynasties has been gradually three religions in one , namely , Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  20. 第六章探讨唐代山东士族的思想,分析其家学在唐代的转变,分别探讨他们在三教合一和三武灭佛中的作用。

    Chapter ⅵ researches the thought of Shandong literati clans , analyzes the transformation of their family academic in the Tang Dynasty , discusses their functions in gathering the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism to one and in exterminating Buddhism by three emperors separately .

  21. 隋唐五代三教鼎立,绘画呈“三教合一”态势,佛、道两教在题材上影响更大。

    The painting of the Sui , the Tang and the Five Dynasties was influenced by Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  22. 有三教宗师之称的王畿以其对良知的坚定信仰而把王学的三教合一论推向鼎盛。

    As " the three-teaching grandmaster ", Wang Ji promoted the theory of three-teachings-in-one to reach the very peak of excellence through the firm faith in the innate knowledge of the good .