
gōng jiǎn fǎ
  • public security organs;public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts
公检法 [gōng jiǎn fǎ]
  • [public security organs] 公安、检察、司法机关的合称

  • 这部影片就是为了给公检法恢复名誉

公检法[gōng jiǎn fǎ]
  1. 家庭暴力是违法犯罪行为,公检法司介入家庭暴力可以打击违法,惩治犯罪,维护国家法律秩序。

    Domestic violence is criminal behavior , judicature intervene in domestic violence can crack down illegal action , punish crime and protect national legal order .

  2. 注:行政管理费中包括公检法司支出和外交外事支出。

    Note : expenditure for government administration includes the expenditures for public security , procuratorial work and the court of justice and for foreign affairs .

  3. 即使是公检法机关拥有启动的决定权,但在权力的分配上,出现了混乱,效率低下的特点。

    Even the public security organs have the right to decide to start , but the distribution of power , there have been confusion , inefficiency and features .

  4. 而回归结果显示,教育水平,人口密度,公检法支出与犯罪率之问并不存在显著的相关性。

    On the contrary , the education level , the density of population and the expenditures of the judicial departments have no significant relationship with the crime rate .

  5. 在刑事诉讼中,作为国家专门机关的公检法所拥有的权力与作为当事人的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人所享有的权利经常处于失衡的状态。

    In criminal suits , the power that law-enforcing departments have as our country 's specialized organs and the right that suspects and defendants have as parties are always in imbalance .

  6. 这套公检法系统包括58家铁路法院和17家铁路中级法院,共有逾7000名法官、检察官及其他法务人员,另有逾7万名铁路警察。

    The system involves more than 7000 judges , prosecutors and legal staff working in 58 railway courts and 17 railway intermediate courts , as well as more than 70000 railway police .

  7. 近年来,众多中国法律专家及官员一直在游说,力主铁路公检法部门应并入主流司法系统。如今持有这种主张的人越来越多。

    In recent years a large and growing number of Chinese legal experts and officials have lobbied to have the railway courts , police and prosecutors integrated into the mainstream justice system .

  8. 自从1998年我国公检法等行业推行首问责任制以来,这些行业的服务质量得到很大程度的提高。

    The asking system of job responsibility has been introducing in procuratorial organs and people 's courts of our country since 1998 , service qualities in these professions have been increased greatly .

  9. 外商投资管理部门及公检法机关,坚持依法行政,依法办案,有效地维护了各方的权益。

    The foreign investment management departments and justice organizations insist on administrating according to law and handling cases according to law , so that they have effectively protected rights and interests of each party .

  10. 这里的实权部门指的是公检法系统,赋予个人和环保公益组织对于严重的环境侵权行为的起诉权,这样对于环境污染的打击必将十分有力。

    The power sector refers to the judicial system , individual and environmental charity organization for serious environmental violations of the right of prosecution , such as environmental pollution will be very powerful blow .

  11. 在我国,刑事司法职权的合理配置涉及对公检法三机关及其司法机构内部关系的调整,这种调整是司法体制改革的重要组成部分。

    In China , the reasonable allocation of criminal judicial power means to adjust the inner relations of public security , the procuratorate and courts , and it means a part of judicial system reform .

  12. 刑事诉讼中的程序性制裁,通过使公检法机关的违反法定诉讼程序的诉讼行为,承担不利的法律后果的方式,遏制程序性违法行为,为受害人提供权利救济。

    By letting judicial organs undertake the disadvantageous results caused by illegal behaviors which breach the legal litigation procedure , the criminal procedural system of sanction restricts the procedure-breached behaviors and provides rights relief to victims .

  13. 并且加入收入不平等性,教育水平,经济发展水平,人口密度,公检法支出,人口流动性,酒类消费量作为控制变量。

    Besides this , the discrepancy of income , education level , and density of population , the expenditures of the judicial departments , the mobility of population and the consumption of alcoholic are set to be the control variables .

  14. 在这两方面的影响下,无论是人大机关还是公检法,城乡居民都表现出了较低的认同度。

    In the aspect of horizontal dimension , both the citizens and the farmers show the lower level of the political identity . Whether the department of congress or the judicial authorities . Political participation has an effect on the level of political identity .

  15. 铁路法院的法官往往是退休的列车长,没有接受过法律培训。基层铁路官员和国有铁路公司的低层主管会对法院的判决横加干预。铁路公检法人员实际上受雇于这些国有铁路公司。

    Judges in these courts are often retired train conductors with no legal training and decisions are subject to rampant interference from low-level railway officials and minor executives of the state - owned railway companies that in effect employ the judges , police and prosecutors .

  16. 逮捕必要性证明不能发挥应有作用的主要原因:一是仍有很多公检法办案人员及社会公众对逮捕的功能存在错误认识。

    Proving the existence of necessity of arrest can not play its due role , for which there are several main reasons as follows : Firstly , there are still a lot of public security investigators and the public having mistaken cognition on the function of arrest .

  17. 程序性制裁的根本目的是,通过裁判公检法在侦查、起诉和审判中程序性违法行为的效力,进而排除其带来的刑事程序上的利益,以惩罚程序性违法行为,保障公民的基本权利。

    Procedural sanction is the fundamental purpose of the public security organs , referee in the investigation , prosecution and trial procedural illegal activity validity , to eliminate the criminal procedural interest , to punish the procedural illegal activities , the protection of citizens ' basic rights .

  18. 公检法三机关能自主开启鉴定程序,这是我国鉴定启动制度最大的特色;而辩护方既没有鉴定决定权亦无申请权,仅有重新鉴定和补充鉴定的申请权。

    Three public security organs able to open the identification procedures independently , it is the most important feature in our identification start system ; and the defense neither the identification decision nor the rights of application , only has the rights of re-identification and supplementary identification for application .