
  • 网络public culture
  1. 最后,提出了加强H乡农村公共文化服务供给的建议。

    Finally , we put forward the suggestion that how to strengthen the rural public culture service supply of H Township .

  2. 网络聊天开辟了新的公共文化环节。

    This kind of chatting creates a new public culture link .

  3. 意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。

    Jointly the primary-level networks that provide public cultural services and expand public cultural spaces in rural and urban areas .

  4. 近日,文化和旅游部、国家发展改革委、财政部三部委联合印发意见,着力推动公共文化服务高质量发展。

    Chinese authorities have urged efforts to boost the high-quality development of public cultural services , according to a recent statement .

  5. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。

    We will improve the public cultural service system , carry out public-interest cultural programs , and launch more popular cultural activities .

  6. 推动博物馆与其他公共文化设施合作,推动博物馆虚拟展览进入城市公共空间,增加展览、教育活动进乡村频次。

    Efforts will be made to boost cooperation between museums and other public cultural facilities , with more digital exhibitions to be opened in urban areas , and more exhibitions and educational activities to be held in rural areas .

  7. 该部分首先通过实地考察、问卷调查和访谈调查的方式,了解J县农村公共文化服务设施建设情况和需求状况。

    Firstly , this part learns the rural public cultural service facilities construction situation and demand conditions in county J by means of on-the-spot investigation , interview and questionnaire survey .

  8. 本文通过剖析其困境及成因分析指出,中央级教育电视台CETV应该努力争取政策支持,向公共文化教育电视台方向奋斗;

    In my opinion , CETV , the national education television should strive for policy support , trying to become a commonweal education television ;

  9. 公共文化服务体系;高校图书馆;图书馆服务;

    Public Cultural Service System ; University Library ; Library Service ;

  10. 张家口市农村公共文化服务体系的构建与发展

    Construction and Development of Rural Community Cultural Service System in Zhangjiakou

  11. 公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆的服务定位

    The Public Library Service Positioning in the Public Cultural Service System

  12. 第三章对国外农村公共文化产品的国际经验进行分析。

    The third chapter analyses the international rural public cultural experience .

  13. 论高校图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的有效参与

    Effective participation of university libraries in the public cultural service system

  14. 农村公共文化产品供需现状的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Supply & Demand Status of Rural Public Cultural Products

  15. 农村公共文化信息服务网络平台的构建

    Construction of Rural Public Culture Information Services on Networks Platform

  16. 论我国公共文化服务均等化的基本原则

    The Basic Principles of the Equalization of China 's Public Culture Services

  17. 论我国公共文化服务体系建设的理论基础

    The Theoretical Foundation for the Public Cultural Service System Construction of China

  18. 人们群众对公共文化呈现出了多样化、多层次的特点。

    Public culture of the masses displays a diversified , multi-level feature .

  19. 关于江苏构建公共文化服务体系的分析与思考

    Analysis of Public Culture Service System Construction in Jiangsu and Its Solution

  20. 福建省公共文化建设的战略意义探析

    The Strategic Significant of Public Cultural Construction of Fujian Province

  21. 下半年临沂市将加快推进公共文化服务体系建设。

    Linyi will accelerate in the second half of public cultural service system .

  22. 依托联合图书馆网络创新公共文化服务

    Rely on the Net of the United Libraries Innovate the Public Culture Service

  23. 农村公共文化服务制度创新的基本维度

    The Basic Dimensions of Innovation of Public Cultural Service System in Rural Areas

  24. 构建新型农村公共文化信息服务体系的工作策略研究

    Work Strategies of Construction of Newly Public Information Service System in Rural Area

  25. 朱成:从雕塑家走向公共文化建设之旅

    Zhu Cheng : A Travel From A Sculptor To Public Sculptor Zhu Cheng

  26. 社区图书馆是基层公共文化服务体系的重要载体。

    Community library is the primary carrier of grass public cultural service system .

  27. 新农村公共文化服务发展的创新思路

    New Countryside Public Culture Service Development Innovation Mentality

  28. 福建村庙酬神演戏与社区公共文化生活

    Acting in Rural Temple to Thank God in Fujian and Communal Public Cultural Life

  29. 面向公共文化服务的国家图书馆与省级图书馆体制改革初探

    On System Reform of the National Library and Provincial Libraries for Public Cultural Service

  30. 文化信息资源共享工程;公共文化服务体系;苏北地区。

    Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project ; Public cultural service system ; Northern Jiangsu .