
  1. 他们以节约公司经费为名,把他解雇了。

    They dismissed him from his job under colour of saving the company 's money .

  2. 首先,公司经费需要被预算以及尽可能公平的分配给公司不同的部门。

    First of all , business overhead expenditure needs to be budgeted and apportioned as fairly as possible to different departments of the business .

  3. 在费尔法克斯,弗吉尼亚,他抓住罗姆尼在周三辩论上的“我会削减公共广播公司的经费,我爱大鸟”等言辞进行抨击。

    In Fairfax , Virginia , he seized on Romney 's remark at the debate Wednesday that even though he loved Big Bird , Romney would cut subsidies to PBS .

  4. 通过对2007-2009年的滞后性检验,发现中小板上市公司研发经费强度和研发人员强度对企业业绩的影响均不存在滞后性。

    Through the lagging test from 2007 to 2009 , the result shows that neither the R D funding intensity nor R D personnel intensity has a lagging impact on corporate performance .

  5. 辽河油田特种油开发公司的经费开支很大,所涉及的成本项目纷繁复杂,如何做好资金控制和管理是十分有意义的课题。

    The expenses of heavy oil company of Liaohe Oilfield Petrochina is very big , the costs involved in the project are numerous and complicated , how to do a good job in the capital control and management is a very meaningful topic .

  6. 有些专家说研究一个完全新型的避孕药的费用大于预期的利益,医药公司提供的研究经费已经基本耗尽。

    Several experts said that the cost of developing an entirely new contraceptive method outweighed prospective profits , and that research financing from pharmaceutical companies had dried up .

  7. 为此,当地政府将某住宅项目交给该公司开发,以平衡该公司经费支出。

    For this , the native government hand over the some housing project to the company , expending with equilibrium the company 's budget .