
  • 网络Carbon Footprint
  1. 今年五月,英国倡议组织PlatformLondon的“4天工作周”运动项目组委托撰写的报告指出,缩短工作时间可以减少英国的碳足迹。

    In May , a report commissioned by the 4 Day Week campaign from Platform London suggested that shorter hours could cut the UK 's carbon footprint .

  2. HVAC系统的碳足迹分析及环境评价指标

    Carbon footprint analysis and environmental evaluation indices of HVAC system

  3. GreenProduct,节能减废及碳足迹是目前电子行业自动自发或相互约定参与环境保护的活动主轴。

    Green Product , Energy Conservation & waste reduction is the carbon footprint of the electronics industry volunteered , or mutually agreed participation in environmental protection activities in the spindle .

  4. 谢莉•康拉德(SherryConrad)和家人希望能减少他们的“碳足迹”。

    Sherry Conrad and her family want to reduce their carbon footprint .

  5. 贝尔希尔表示:“到2040年,ICT将占到全球碳足迹总量的14%。”

    Belkhir says , " ICT will account for as much as 14 % for the total global footprint by 2040 . "

  6. 可口可乐公司表示:这种瓶子的外观、功能以及回收利用都与传统的PET塑料瓶一样,只是所用资源更少,全球碳足迹更轻更环保。

    Coca Cola says the bottle ' looks , functions and recycles just like traditional PET plastic , but does so with a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources . '

  7. 供应链专家对此表示赞同。安永(ErnstYoung)的研究突显出,制造企业为何可能有多达70%的碳足迹,源自运输以及供应链中的其它成本。

    Supply chain experts agreed , with Ernst Young underlining how as much as 70 per cent of a manufacturing company 's carbon footprint can come from transport and other costs in its supply chain .

  8. 再没有什么比一个不必担心气候变化的世界更加宝贵了。万事达卡(MasterCard)联合深谙商业之道的环保团体BrighterPlanet推出企业客户碳足迹报告服务。

    Because a world without climate change is priceless , MasterCard has teamed up with the business-savvy environmental group , Brighter Planet , to offer corporate customers carbon footprint reports .

  9. 华盛顿州立大学的裘德·卡皮尔(JudeCapper)报告称,通过提高动物产肉量,该行业降低了18%的碳足迹。

    Jude Capper at Washington State University reported that by producing more beef from fewer animals , the industry cut its carbon footprint by eighteen percent .

  10. 本文运用生命周期评价四种不同污水处理工艺,确立碳足迹计量标准和方法,根据投入-产出(I-O)法计算得出碳足迹并详细分析。

    This paper adopts the life cycle assessment of four different sewage treatment process , establishing the carbon footprint of measurement standards and methods , based on the input-output ( I-O ) method , to calculate the carbon footprint and analysis in detail .

  11. 但她那些假日旅游飞行却使她的碳足迹陡增。

    But all those holiday flights increase Jackie 's carbon footprint .

  12. 我们生产的石油和天然气所留下的碳足迹已经少了很多。

    We 're producing oil and gas with much less footprint .

  13. 生产一罐米勒淡啤酒的碳足迹是多少?

    What 's the carbon footprint of a can of Miller Light ?

  14. 我的碳足迹小了,我减低了污染

    My footprint 's smaller , I 'm lessening pollution ,

  15. 人们应该去除不必要的开车,从而减少他们的碳足迹。

    People should prune unnecessary driving so as to slash their carbon footprint .

  16. 人们测量文明足迹能像对碳足迹一样吗?

    Can we measure a civility footprint as we would a carbon footprint ?

  17. 因此,在碳足迹的问题上,回收的确是关键的一环。

    So in the carbon-footprint equation , recycling is really a key component .

  18. 铝合金罐的碳足迹要小于玻璃瓶。

    An aluminum can has a smaller carbon footprint than the glass bottle .

  19. 这样还能解决碳足迹的问题。

    That would also settle the carbon footprint .

  20. 我们主要看啤酒的包装碳足迹。

    We look at it from packaging footprint .

  21. 通常情况下,碳足迹是以一年为一个时间段进行计算的。

    Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year .

  22. 骑自行车一英里,产生碳足迹?

    Is cycling a carbon-friendly thing to do ?

  23. 从碳足迹的角度来看,扎啤当然是最环保的。

    Certainly from a carbon footprint standpoint .

  24. 你的碳足迹太大了吗?

    Got too big a carbon footprint ?

  25. 更小的空间可以减少水电费,也可以减少碳足迹。

    Smaller space leads to reduce utility bills , and also a smaller carbon footprint .

  26. 问:你考虑过自己的碳足迹吗?

    Do you consider your carbon footprint ?

  27. 一些人关注气候变化,因此试图减少碳足迹。

    Some people try to reduce their carbon footprint because they are concerned about climate change .

  28. 更小的办公室,更少的碳足迹

    Smaller offices , smaller carbon footprint

  29. 马克:我通常每一年做一个改变来减少我的碳足迹。

    Mark : Well , I usually make one change each year to reduce my carbon footprint .

  30. 投资者还将希望获得更多和更充分的、有关碳足迹及其它环境影响的信息。

    And investors will look for more and better information about carbon footprints and other environmental impacts .