
  • 网络carbon emission
  1. 加州大学戴维斯分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis)的一项研究表明,在全球范围内以电动自动驾驶共享汽车替代燃油私家车可使2050年的交通运输碳排量减少80%,还能降低40%的交通基础设施和运营成本。

    A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric , self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80 % and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure and operations 40 % by 2050 .

  2. 改吃纯素会有帮助,但两人吃一年纯素所减少的碳排量要小于一次长途飞行的碳排量。

    Going vegan will help , but two people going vegan for a year would be outweighed3 by just one long-haul flight .

  3. 因此,BP预计中国的煤炭(碳排量最高的能源)消耗量增长仅为0.1%。

    As a result , BP estimates China 's consumption of coal , the highest - emitting fuel , rose by just 0.1 per cent .

  4. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)将要求供应商测量并报告其温室气体排放量,这是沃尔玛披露其碳排量的最大举措。

    Wal-Mart is to ask its suppliers to measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions , in the biggest move to disclose emissions from businesses .

  5. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)在2008年对美国100个大城市的人均碳排量进行了调查,结果旧金山、西雅图、纽约和洛杉矶进入了人均碳排量最低的前十名。

    San Francisco and Seattle , along with New York and Los Angeles , ranked among the top 10 in a 2008 Brookings Institution study of the 100 largest American cities with the lowest carbon emissions per resident .

  6. 印度,经济发展虽然也在大规模迅速进行,人均碳排量仍很好地控制在2公吨以内。

    India 's , though large and rapidly rising , are well below two tonnes a head .

  7. 所以,四国纵然在碳排量以及碳排种类上有很大差异,在此问题上却有合作的基础。

    This underpins their show of unity , despite big differences in the size and nature of their emissions .

  8. 根据中国13亿的人口计算,中国的人均碳排量对比美国、澳大利亚等工业化国家来看只是很小的一部分。

    China 's per capita emissions from a population of1.3 billion are a fraction of those of industrialized countries such as the US and Australia .

  9. 在中美两国发展低碳排量煤炭设施的合作与联合投资,将既有利于两国的能源安全,也有利于全球环境。

    Co-operation and co-investment in the development of low-emission coal facilities in both the US and China would benefit the energy security of both countries and the world environment .

  10. 经济发展依赖煤电,致使中国人均二氧化碳排量逐渐接近欧洲发达国家水平。如今中国年人均碳排量已将近6公吨。

    Its reliance on coal-fired power stations means its emissions per head - at around six tonnes of carbon equivalent a year - are also closing on west European levels .

  11. 与此同时,在处理达尔富尔、缅甸、伊朗核计划,或是限制碳排量等问题上,欧盟在世界各地的行动也受到了中国的遏阻。

    Meanwhile the EU is bumping up against China all over the world , when dealing with issues such as Darfur , Burma , the Iranian nuclear programme or curbing carbon emissions .

  12. 第三章在全生命周期的基础上分析了农村住宅的碳排量,并分析总结对于农村住宅碳排放影响的主要因素。

    In chapter III makes an analysis of the carbon emissions of the rural residential on the basis of the whole life cycle , and analyzes the main factors of rural residential carbon emissions .

  13. 此后,由于工业发展速度变缓,产业结构有所调整,工业能源消费碳排量略微下降,但总体仍保持在一个较高的水平上。

    Since then , due to the slowing pace of industrial development and adjusting of industrial structure , the carbon emissions of industrial energy consumption declined slightly , but overall it remained on a high level .

  14. 如,中国承诺到2020年将碳排量减少40%,而巴西,因其有力后援,宣布减少36%预计碳排量。

    For instance , whereas China promised to reduce the carbon intensity of its output by 40 % by 2020 , Brazil , with the right assistance , is sworn to reduce its expected emissions by over 36 % .

  15. 如,中国承诺到2020年将碳排量减少40%,而巴西,因其有力后援,宣布减少36%预计碳排量。尽管这些减排难以监测,但一旦付诸实施,意义重大。

    For instance , whereas China promised to reduce the carbon intensity of its output by 40 % by 2020 , Brazil , with the right assistance , is sworn to reduce its expected emissions by over 36 % . These , though hard to monitor , could mean a lot if they work .

  16. 中国作为CDM项目市场中最重要的卖方,占有市场84%的原始核证碳减排量(pCERs)交易份额。

    China , as the most important seller in CDM project market , account for 84 % of the certified carbon emission reduction ( CERs ) trade share .

  17. 中国也在积极参与CDM项目开发,目前我国CDM项目注册数量和碳减排量均位居世界第一位。

    China also tried to seize this opportunity and actively carry out CDM projects with the developed countries . So far , the number of registered CDM projects and its emission reductions are the first in the world .

  18. 具体的碳减排量取决于氢燃料是否源自可再生能源,例如风能和太阳能,就像汉堡的4个加氢站一样。

    Its CO2 reduction depends on whether the hydrogen is produced from renewable sources , such as wind and solar , as is the case at four refuelling stations in Hamburg .

  19. 然后,本文对我国碳市场中碳减排量的供需状况进行了实证分析。

    Thirdly , in the paper , we analyzed the supply and demand of carbon emission trading market in China by using empirical analysis .

  20. 但是我国的碳交易还处于起步阶段,这与国内市场不了解碳排放交易的程序,以及我国缺乏碳减排量计算、监测与核查的方法有一定的关系。

    But , in China , the carbon trading is still in the initial stage , which has a certain relationship to the misunderstanding of carbon emissions trading program , and the lack methods of carbon (?)

  21. 可以考虑提出一套碳税体系或一套限额交易体系,例如欧洲的排放交易方案(ETS),该方案对生产商的碳排量作出了限制,并允许他们买卖排放信用(emissionscredits)。

    That could be a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system , such as Europe 's Emissions-Trading Scheme , which limits how much producers can emit , and lets them buy and sell emissions credits .