
  • 网络The Evening News;CBS Evening News;Nightly News
  1. 她主持了七年晚间新闻报道。

    She anchored the evening news for seven years .

  2. 晚间新闻常因其内容肤浅而受到批评。

    The evening news is often criticized for being shallow .

  3. 我肯定我们是先看了晚间新闻,然后才开始看的电影。

    I 'm sure we watched the nightly news , and then we turned on the movie

  4. 《NBC晚间新闻》(NBCNightlyNews)的工作人员在晚间播报结束后召开的会议上得知了此事。

    NBC Nightly News staff learned about it in a meeting after the evening broadcast .

  5. 美国广播公司(ABC)晚间新闻节目《今晚世界新闻》(TheWorldNewsTonightwithPeterJennings)不仅是美国而且也是世界范围内最具影响力的优秀的电视新闻栏目之一。

    The World News Tonight with Peter Jennings of ABC is one of the most influential TV News Programs not only in the United States but also in the world .

  6. 10月15日,诺兰在BBC晚间新闻节目中被问道是否有兴趣指导007电影。

    Nolan appeared on the BBC 's Newsnight programme on 15 October where he was asked if taking on a 007 adventure would be of interest to him .

  7. 特尼斯在一份发给NBC新闻频道工作人员的备忘录中说,管理层决定让威廉姆斯停职,是因为他在《晚间新闻》的节目中错误表述了伊拉克的事件。

    Turness said in a memo to NBC News staff that executives decided to suspend Williams because he misrepresented the Iraq incident on the " Nightly News " broadcast .

  8. 夫妇俩通过FaceTime与玛丽·坎贝尔或其他孩子(他们有四个孩子)聊完天后,就会收看播客《NBC晚间新闻》(NBCNightlyNews)。他们的收看时间会比节目首播晚一天。

    And after chatting via FaceTime with Mary Campbell or another of their four children , they watch a podcast of " NBC Nightly News , " delayed by one day .

  9. 来自密西根州的参议员莱文在有线电视新闻网CNN的晚间新闻专访节目上说,一旦费卢杰的局势得以控制,必须要设法让逊尼派穆斯林参与政治进程。

    Senator Carl Levin of Michigan told CNN 's Late Edition that , once the situation in Fallujah is under control , efforts must be made to get the Sunnis involved in the political process .

  10. 在2006年,CBS推出了第一位黄金档新闻女主播&凯蒂-库里克。她负责主持每晚6:30播出的《晚间新闻》。

    In2006 , Katie Couric of CBS became the first woman to anchor a major prime time news program when she joined CBS ` s Evening News , which goes on the air nightly at6:30 pm .

  11. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  12. 威廉姆斯在2004年接任汤姆·布罗考(TomBrokaw)成为《NBC晚间新闻》节目的主播。此次事件之前,他不仅被认为是新闻界最值得信信赖的人之一,而且是全国最受信赖的人之一。

    Before the controversy , Mr. Williams , who became " Nightly News " anchor in 2004 , succeeding Tom Brokaw , was considered one of the most trusted men not only in the news business but in the country .

  13. 尽管面临实时数字新闻的威胁,晚间新闻节目的地位有所衰退,威廉姆斯在美国仍然是最受信赖的人之一,他还赢得了沃尔特·克朗凯特(WalterCronkite)、汤姆·布罗考(TomBrokaw)、彼得·詹宁斯(PeterJennings)等前辈的尊重。

    Even as the stature of the nightly newscast faded in the face of real-time digital news , Williams was one of the most trusted names in America and commanded the respect accorded predecessors like Walter Cronkite , Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings .

  14. 两名知情者透露,NBC将于周四宣布陷入争议的新闻主播布莱恩·威廉姆斯(BrianWilliams)不再担任《NBC晚间新闻》主播的决定。威廉姆斯因为夸大自己在一次伊拉克美军直升飞机险情中发挥的作用,已被停职了四个月。

    NBC is planning to announce Thursday that Brian Williams will not return to his position as the anchor of its " Nightly News " show , four months after the network suspended him for exaggerating his role in a helicopter incident in Iraq , according to two people briefed on the discussions .

  15. 沉闷冗长的播音风格使晚间新闻看起来很乏味。

    The ponderous reporting style makes the evening news dull viewing .

  16. 来让整个世界的人在晚间新闻中看到

    for all the world to hear on the evening news .

  17. 总统是晚间新闻报道的主角。

    The president featured prominently in the evening news coverage .

  18. 我们应该用这个把晚间新闻换掉。

    We need a program interruption for the evening news .

  19. 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻

    Editor rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news

  20. 今晚每个实时晚间新闻中必须出现他们的诉求。

    Their manifesto must be read live tonight on the evening news .

  21. 不看晚间新闻,它们更消极。早点上床,阅读或写一篇日记。

    Go to sleep earlier , read , or write a journal .

  22. 那天的事件已在晚间新闻上作了报导。

    The events of the day are reported on the evening news .

  23. 下班回家后,我通常会收看晚间新闻。

    I usually watch the evening news when I get home from work .

  24. 我们在晚间新闻看到过吗?

    Did we see it on the nightly news ?

  25. 晚间新闻播出时为聋哑人配了字幕。

    The evening news has subtitles for deaf people .

  26. 晚间新闻里播放的,是对浑身油污的消防员或一脸严肃的地方官员的现场采访。

    Nightly news features on-site interviews with sooty firefighters or earnest local officials .

  27. 别在晚间新闻上抛头露面。

    Not planting your face on the evening news .

  28. 5个电视台晚间新闻节目报道健康相关信息的内容分析

    Contents analysis on health-related information on evening news of five different television stations

  29. 这位男电视主持人正在报道晚间新闻。

    The television anchorman was reporting evening news .

  30. 晚间新闻什么时候播出?

    When is the evening news programme ?