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wǎn bèi
  • younger;the younger generation;one's juniors
晚辈 [wǎn bèi]
  • [younger;one's juniors;the younger generation] 辈分低的人;后辈

  • 所有晚辈都跟着他们家里人,向杂技场走去

晚辈[wǎn bèi]
  1. 在许多特殊场合上要进行泡茶和饮茶,作为一种礼貌的表示,在中国社会中,晚辈经常通过敬茶来表示对长辈的尊敬。

    There are several special circumstances in which tea is prepared and consumed.To show respect ; In Chinese society , the younger generation always shows its respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea .

  2. 作为法学界的晚辈,笔者通过两个典型案例试图归结民意与司法的矛盾和冲突,并就如何重构民意与司法良性关系的课题进行力所能及的探究。

    As the younger generation of the law , the author will try to summarize the contradictions and conflicts between the Public opinion and the Judicial , according to two typical cases . And explore the issues about how to realize the harmonious relationship .

  3. 他是我爷爷的晚辈。

    He 's a generation younger than my granddad .

  4. 汤姆是我的晚辈。

    Tom is my junior .

  5. 第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。

    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child , the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation .

  6. 在一个谦卑和社区精神受到高度重视的国家,hirano与其它烹饪课成员在一起的场景,就像一个恭谦的晚辈面对长辈时的局促,不过却很和谐。

    In a country where humility and a community spirit are highly prized , the sight of the besuited Mr Hirano mucking in with the other cookery class members , like a well-meaning nephew slightly out of his depth , strikes a chord .

  7. 作为一个晚辈,我们应该尊敬老人。

    As a junior , we should respect the old .

  8. 尊敬师长、关爱晚辈的精神;

    The ninth is the spirit of respecting teacher and caring for posterity ;

  9. 当然,在那里,我有兄弟妹妹,还有晚辈。

    Definitely , I have brothers and sisters , and also junior generations .

  10. 作为晚辈,你理该去看望生病的叔叔。

    As a junior , you should go to visit your ailing uncle .

  11. 我是团队里的晚辈。

    I was the junior partner on the team .

  12. 她回答说我是晚辈。

    She replied that I was a minor .

  13. 这宝盒充满爱的记忆,是长辈赠与晚辈的礼物。

    It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next .

  14. 晚辈级别较低者,服务期较短者;下属。

    A person lesser in rank or time of participation or service ; subordinate .

  15. 这个老人非常爱他的晚辈,因为他们是他的希望。

    This old man loves his inferiors very much , for they are his hope .

  16. 这两家的晚辈在试图缓解长久的世仇。

    The children of the two families are trying to smooth over a lengthy feud .

  17. 总是礼让长辈在先,晚辈居后。

    Let those who are older go first , the younger ones should follow behind .

  18. 而在中国,晚辈是绝对不可以对长辈直呼其名的。

    However , in China it 's impossible for young people to call their elders'names .

  19. 他觉得她对自己的友谊还掺杂着一种晚辈的敬意。

    He felt that her friendship for him was mixed with a sort of filial respect .

  20. 长辈的旧衣服都小心地保存下来,然后把它们改小,给晚辈穿。

    Old clothes of their seniors were carefully kept and " made down " for their descendants .

  21. junior:资历较浅者,地位(或等级)较低者;晚辈听着,这是为低年级搞的狂欢周末。

    Chuck : Look , this is the lost weekend , for juniors , Not senior citizens .

  22. 母亲保留的旧照片,以她隔代晚辈们的单人或多人合影居多。

    Most of those photos that mother retained are her descendants'single or group photos of the second generation .

  23. 作为晚辈的会带着年老的长辈去郊游或者老人们送上礼物以表尊敬。

    Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day .

  24. 斯姆特和霍利的这些晚辈应当意识到,现在不是讲“胡佛经济学”的时候。

    These modern day heirs to smoot and Hawley should realise that now is not a time for hoovernomics .

  25. 他简约、空灵、意境深远等现实主义的艺术风格都值得从事版画艺术的晚辈学习和借鉴。

    His simple , elusive art style with magnificent artistic conception is worth learning by our modern print learners .

  26. 用于长辈对晚辈,或者青年人之间互相询问姓名。

    It is used by elders when they want to know the names of young people or between young people .

  27. 一般是我们晚辈要给长辈拜年,比如给我的父母和父母的兄弟姐妹,大爷、大妈等拜年。

    Normally we will extend our Spring Festival greetings to our elders , such as my parents , uncles and aunts .

  28. 母亲不说,仅仅因为她是一个懂得忍让的母亲,即使是面对自己的晚辈。

    Mother had said nothing , just because she was a mother being capable of forbearing , even in front of her descendants .

  29. 外表和行动是泡妞本身,不过,内容是想念丈夫气概溢出的性格晚辈。

    In the face and the action , contents are the characters with which the manly spirit overflows and the junior trowing though Nampa .

  30. 传统家庭代际伦理是中华民族处理父母与子女、晚辈与长辈关系的一个重要的道德规范。

    Traditional family-generation ethics of the Chinese nation is an important moral standards to dealing with parents and children , elders and the youngers relationships .