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xià zhào
  • issue an imperial edict
  • send out imperial decree
下诏 [xià zhào]
  • [send out imperial decree] 帝王颁发诏令

  1. 下诏大赦天下。

    An imperial edict was given for a general amnesty .

  2. 灵帝接受了这个建议,下诏解除了“党锢”。

    Emperor Ling accepted it , decreeing that the partisans be free from the prohibition .

  3. 制举是科举的一种取士科目,由皇帝特别下诏举行考试。

    Zhiju , a candidate selection test , is the one required by the Emperor himself .

  4. 所以,就性质而言,诏狱是皇帝下诏特令专门审理的重大案件或者由皇帝直接控制的特别监狱。

    Therefore , the imperial edict prison means the important case or a special jail under imperial order .

  5. 次年七月,苻坚下诏大举伐晋,在全国征兵。

    In July of the following year , Fu Jian ordered a decisive campaign and started to draft recruits the nationwide .

  6. 公元1405年,永乐皇帝下诏让中国船队远航到印度洋,并派遣郑和负责此趟航程。

    In1405 , he ordered Chinese ships to sail to the Indian Ocean , and put Zheng He in charge of the voyage .

  7. 郑和死后3年,新登基的皇帝下诏禁止远洋船舶的建造,中国这短暂的海军扩张时代也就到此结束了。

    Three years after Zheng He 's death , a new emperor banned the construction of oceangoing ships , and China 's brief era of naval expansion was over .

  8. 1902年晚清政府为挽救垂危统治和收回治外法权,进行变法改革,下诏实行新政,由此拉开了法律改革的序幕。

    In 1902 , in order to save its falling rule and to repeal the notorious extraterritoriality , the Qing Dynasty promulgated an order to implement a " New Deal " , which lifted the curtain of the legal reform in modern China .