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xià qì
  • calm;submissive;break wind
  • lower qi;calmly
下气 [xià qì]
  • (1) [break wind]∶证名。指肠胃郁结而排泄气体

  • 下气平肝

  • (2) [lower qi ]

  • (3) 指人体下部之气

  • (4) 运气学说术语。指六气定位下之气。如水位下之土气、土位下之木气等

  • [calmly] 谓态度恭顺,平心静气

  • 低声下气

  1. 上到山顶他发现她上气不接下气。

    He found her panting for breath at the top of the hill .

  2. 等我爬到山顶的时候,已经是上气不接下气了。

    By the time I got to the top of the hill , I was quite out of breath .

  3. 我爬完了这些楼梯后,上气不接下气。

    I 'm out of breath after climbing up all the stairs .

  4. 他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被开除了。

    They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired .

  5. 他上气不接下气地猛冲进来。

    He dashed in breathlessly .

  6. 跑到17英里的时候,我上气不接下气,曾经受伤的脚踝也开始剧烈疼痛。

    By mile 17 , I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly .

  7. 我上气不接下气地把门打开,一股冷空气立刻使我凉了下来。

    Out of breath , I swung open the door and got a blast of cold air that instantly cooled me off .

  8. 阿卡同拼命狂奔,很快就上气不接下气。感觉自己肯定会死去,他就一下躺在地上,不想再起来了。

    Running as fast as his legs could carry him . Actaeon was soon out of breath4 , feeling certain that he was to die . He dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up .

  9. 在同位网格系下气相采用SIMPLE算法求解,气液两相流动用PSIC法模拟。

    On the non-staggered grid system , the discretization equations are solved with SIMPLE algorithm . The couple of the gas phase and the liquid phase is carried out by the PSIC method .

  10. 并在交错网格体系下气相采用SIMPLE算法和混合差分格式求解,液相在拉格朗日坐标系下采用PSIC算法对其进行求解。

    The gas phase is solved with the SIMPLE algorithm and a hybrid scheme in the staggered grid system . The liquid phase equations are solved in a Lagrangian frame in reference of the particle-source-in-cell ( PSIC ) algorithm .

  11. 弯掠动叶旋转失速工况下气动声学的实验分析与计算弯掠动叶叶尖径向间隙对气动&声学性能的影响

    Influence of tip clearance on AERODYNAMIC-AEROACOUSTIC performance of Skewed-Swept rotating blades

  12. 大气压下气隙均匀放电提高无纺布表面亲水性

    Application of Atmospheric Air Uniform Discharge to Improving Hydrophilicity of Nonwovens

  13. 不同钻井液条件下气测资料校正方法

    Calibration Methods of Gas Detection Material under Different Drilling Fluid Conditions

  14. 因为赶汽车,我们跑得上气不接下气。

    We are out of breath after running for the bus .

  15. 我喘息着说,因为走得快,又太惊慌,使我上气不接下气。

    I panted , quite breathless with quick walking and alarm .

  16. 猴子上气不接下气地跑进房内。

    Suddenly , monkey ran in the house out of breath .

  17. 这孩子上气不接下气地闯进屋里。

    The boy rushed into the room out of breath .

  18. 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。

    All out of breath , she plumped down on a chair .

  19. 当他急速跑回来时,他已经上气不接下气了。

    When he dashed back , he was already out of breath .

  20. 这使我有点上气不接下气。

    It has put me a little out of breath .

  21. 扰动条件下气固两相圆柱绕流的直接数值模拟

    Disturbed Direct Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Circular Cylinder Wake

  22. 因为这番攀登我们仍在上气不接下气。

    We were still out of breath from the climb .

  23. 他超过了她,有点上气不接下气。

    He overtook her , a little out of breath .

  24. 你拿了钱快跑吧,我母亲上气不接下气地说。

    ' Take the money and run on ,' my mother said breathlessly .

  25. 只追了一会儿便上气不接下气了,但她还是继续追赶。

    She was soon out of breath , but she continued to run .

  26. 获胜者跑到终点时已经上气不接下气了。

    At the end of the race the winner was out of breath .

  27. 德伯上气不接下气地问道,为了追上你,我像疯了似地赶车。

    ' I 've been driving like mad to catch up with you .

  28. 固定容积下气动发电机组供电时间分析

    Analysis on Power Supply Time of Compressed-air Generator Sets with Certain Capacity Gasholder

  29. 改善发动机下气缸体加工性能的生产实践

    Production Practice to Improve Machinability of Bottom Cylinder Block

  30. 她说起话来上气不接下气,而且极力压抑着紧张的心情。

    She sounded breathless , as if nervous but trying not to be .