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  1. 病位在巅,病机为风和瘀,治疗当治风与治血相须为用。

    Its treatment should concentrate on both wind and blood stasis .

  2. 治风活血法的配伍机制研究

    Study on Compatibility Mechanism of Treat Wind-evil to Promote Blood Circulation Method

  3. 治风活血法治疗中风病探讨

    The Investigation on Treatment of Stroke with the Therapy Wind-Evil to Promote Blood Circulation

  4. 对治风先治血血行风自灭的认识

    Recognition on treating blood before treating wind , self-eliminating of wind after blood circulating

  5. 在治疗上应重视治风,尤重通阳宣痹。

    Should take seriously in the treatment to govern the wind , sets a high value passes proclaims rheumatism positive .

  6. 目的:客观地阐明治风活血法的配伍机制。

    Objective : To objectively interpret the compatibility mechanism of treat wind-evil to promote blood circulation ( TWEPBC ) method .

  7. 临床应注重治风药在本病各个时期的使用,从而提高临床疗效。

    The doctors should emphasize special therapeutics of pathogenic wind according to different stages , in order to take right measures to improve clinical efficacy .

  8. 外伤血瘀证的活血方与治风方作用比较无显著性差异(P>005)。

    There was no significant difference between the effect of WET method and BCP method in treating trauma caused blood stasis model ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 目的探讨治风活血法对微循环气滞血瘀模型的影响。

    Objective It is to discuss the influence of treating wind evil to promote blood circulation ( TWEPBC ) method on microcirculation qi stagnancy and blood stasis model .

  10. 本文从历代治风的常用代表方入手,探讨其配伍的理论和主要的配伍方法。

    Based on the analys is of the common representative recipes of treatment of wind during successive dynasties , this paper inquires into the theory and the main regulations of composing prescriptions .

  11. 目的:观察活血化瘀药物七叶皂苷素对血瘀风燥型皮肤瘙痒症的临床疗效,以期验证中医学治风先治血,血行风自灭的传统理论。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of escin on patients with cutaneous pruritus caused by blood stasis and wind-dryness and to prove the theory that wind should be treated by regulating blood disorder , and wind disappears after activating blood in traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  12. 为卫分证、气分证和热入营血,邪在卫气治宜疏风清热透邪解毒;

    Dispersing wind , clearing away heat and toxic substances , expelling pathogenic factors are applicable to pathogen involving Weifen and Qifen .

  13. 又在临床实践的基础上,发现并提出风咳,结合风哮治疗经验,从风论治,提出从风治咳。

    And based on the clinical practice , he also proposed wind cough theory .

  14. 外中风治以补血搜风,逐邪外出之法;

    The out apoplexy should be treated with the nourishing the blood and removing the wind .

  15. 实验研究中观察体现疏利三焦、清化痰热治则的消渴风温方治疗糖尿病肺部感染大鼠的有效性:从对其整体调节作用、肺部保护及细菌负荷、病理形态

    Experimental study was observing the effect on rats with diabetes complicated wind-warm lung-heat disease by using the prescription of

  16. 当初他离开叙利亚的时候还是一个沮丧快要死的人。那时他只有一个希望,就是以色列神的先知能治好他的大麻风病。

    He had left Syria a disfigured and dying man , with only one hope : that the prophet of God in Israel could cure him of the dreadful disease of leprosy .