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  • Pulse diagnosis;diagnosis by feeling the pulse
脉诊 [mài zhěn]
  • [diagonsis by feeling the pulse] 中医通过切脉来诊断疾病的方法

  1. 俞长荣教授谈脉诊

    Professor Yu Changrong 's talks about diagnosis by feeling the pulse

  2. 方法:应用MRI与B超影像学技术,获取正常人及脉诊模型的可视化脉动信息。

    Methods : The visual pulse information of the normal and the model were collected with MRI and BU .

  3. 为探索舌组织结构的生物学特性,并评价舌下络脉诊实验研究的适合动物,对大鼠、Beagle犬、恒河猴与人舌进行系统观察对比。

    To investigate the biological nature of the structure of lingual tissue and to choose proper animals for studying the diagnosis of sublingual vessels , observation on tongues of rats , Beagle dogs , rhesuses and human beings was made comparatively and systematically .

  4. 基于复杂性科学理论的脉诊研究方法学探讨

    Methodology Approach of Pulse Diagnosis Research Based on Complexity Science Theory

  5. 脉诊在儿童中的应用如何?

    How about the child in the usage of pulse feeling ?

  6. 基于虚拟现实技术的远程中医脉诊客观化研究

    Objectivity Study of Remote Pulse Diagnose Based on Virtual Reality

  7. 中医的脉诊是什么?

    What is pulse feeling in " traditional Chinese medicine "?

  8. 谈脉诊中的左肝右脾

    Liver on the Left and Spleen on the Right in Pulse Diagnosis

  9. 脉诊是中医重要的诊断方法之一,素以把握难度之高而见称。

    Object : Pulse diagnosis is one of important method in TCM .

  10. 脉诊是中医的一种非常神奇而典型的诊法。

    Pulse-taking is a miraculous and typical Chinese diagnostic method .

  11. 脉诊寸关尺长度探讨

    Discussion on the length of cun , guan , chi of pulse-taking

  12. 舌脉诊临床与病理组织学对照研究

    Comparative Research on the Diagnostic Method of Tongue Veins from Clinical and Histopathology

  13. 基于金氏脉学的自动检测脉诊装置的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Pulse Diagnosis Automatic Testing Equipment Based on Kings'Pulse Theory

  14. 进一步证实了传统医学脉诊诊断的真实性和科学基础。

    As well as Confirmed the authenticity and scientific basis of traditional medicine .

  15. 脉诊在辨证施护意识障碍者中的指导作用

    Directive Effects of Pulse Examination on Syndrome Differentiation and Nursing the Unconscious Patients

  16. 目的探索中医脉诊客观化的新方法。

    Objective To find a new method of the objectification of pulse diagnosis .

  17. 中医脉诊仪研制情况概述

    The development of TCM Pulse Pattern Diagnostic System

  18. 可以推断,脉诊能够提供疾病预测信息,但是需要科学的临床试验证实。

    Pulse diagnosis will provide predict disease function .

  19. 能够仅仅依靠脉诊结果就作出诊断吗?

    Could you make a diagnosis only relying on the result of pulse feeling ?

  20. 脉诊操作学习中的常见问题及应用脉象因素教学的体会

    Common questions in learning of pulse diagnosis and application of pulse factors in teaching

  21. 舌下络脉诊法的组织学基础

    Histological basis of diagnostic method of sublingual vessels

  22. 舌脉诊有关的舌动脉形态学研究

    Morphological study of tbe lingual artery related to tongue - pulse diagnosis in TCM

  23. 舌、脉诊与脊椎病因诊断治疗关系的研究

    Research about the Relationship between Diagnosis Therapy of Spinal-related Pathogen and Tongue Pulse Diagnosis

  24. 动态识别的寸口桡动脉运动多维脉诊信息采集处理与分析系统

    Multidimensional pulse-diagnostic message collecting and processing system for dynamic identification of radial artery motion

  25. 中医脉诊客观化与数字化研究

    The Objectivity and Digital of Diagnosis by Pulse Based on Traditional Chinese Medical Science

  26. 人体脉搏功率谱分析与中医脉诊机理研究

    Power spectral analysis of human pulse and study of traditional Chinese medicine pulse-diagnosis mechanism

  27. 从古代脉法探讨经络与脉诊的关系

    Investigating into Relationship between Meridian and Pulse Examination from the Ancient Methods of Pulse-Reading

  28. 中医脉诊仪的研制和开发仍处于实验和探索阶段。

    The development of TCM Pulse Pattern Diagnostic System is still in an experimental stage .

  29. 脉诊临床意义的探讨

    Discussion on Clinical Significance of Pulse Diagnosis

  30. 大鼠肝硬变瘀证舌脉诊的病理组织学研究

    Histopathological study on inspection of tongue vessels of rats with liver cirrhosis and venous congestion