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zhěn mài
  • feel the pulse
诊脉 [zhěn mài]
  • [feel the pulse] 本指诊察脉搏,以测病情。引申为用一切方法给人看病

诊脉[zhěn mài]
  1. 诊脉WLAN市场

    Analysis of WLAN Market

  2. 手腕上的动脉可用来诊脉。

    The artery at the wrist is used for feeling the pulse .

  3. 中医诊脉为何选择手腕处?

    Why traditional Chinese medicine chooses the wrist to diagnose ?

  4. 中医诊脉为何用三指?

    Why the pulse diagnosis only uses three fingers ?

  5. 其记述了足太阳膀胱经的腧穴数量及其大致位置,提出了足太阳脉动的诊脉理论。

    It recorded the number and position of acupoints in the urinary bladder meridian of foot .

  6. 对于企业主这个字是最适合的,并可能引起头痛诊脉。

    For business owners , this word is the one most likely to inspire headaches and fits of cussing .

  7. 作者发现一种新的脉象,即诊脉时指下有震颤感,这是一种独立脉象,建议命名为震颤脉。

    A new type of pulse which the suggested name was Trembling Pulse ( TP ) was found by the author .

  8. 《内经》的许多针灸篇章中都蕴藏着一个诊脉原则。

    Many sections and chapters of acupuncture and moxibustion in The Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic contain a principle of pulse taking .

  9. 脉诊的内容极其丰富,包含有诊脉部位、诊脉方法、脉象、脉象主病、脉象思维及脉学思想等,这些在《内经》中都有大量的论述。

    It has an abundant content including the location of pulse examination , the methods , pulse condition , disease correspondence of the pulse , thought of pulse condition as well as the ideas of pulse , etc , all of which are largely discoursed in Nei Jing .