
zhěn liáo suǒ
  • clinic;dispensary;cottage hospital
  1. 我咳嗽得厉害,今天必须去诊疗所看看。

    I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough .

  2. 我们有一间设备完全的牙科诊疗所和一间由一个全日工作的护士来管理的医药室。

    We had a completely equipped dental clinic and a medical room with a full-time nurse in charge .

  3. 我做了六分钟的嘴对嘴的呼吸,然后他渐渐回复了呼吸开始眨眼。这名在德文郡北部Barnstaple诊疗所工作的医生承认:我当时很冲动。

    ' I did six minutes of mouth-to-mouth before he slowly started breathing and blinking . ' The doctor , who works at a GP 's surgery in Barnstaple , North Devon , admitted : ' I was quite emotional at the time .

  4. 医院管理局通过辖下多家医院、专科诊疗所及外展服务,为病人提供医疗和康复服务。

    It provides medical treatment and rehabilitation services to patients through hospitals , specialist clinics and outreaching services .

  5. 近日,一只肥胖的流浪狗被送往了一家动物诊疗所,此前人们认为它要分娩了,需要帮助。

    A portly stray dog was taken to an animal clinic after people thought it was going into labour and called for help .

  6. 福建省副省长陈桦女士在新加坡进行经贸考察推介期间,参观了新加坡的综合诊疗所。

    Fujian Vice Governor Chen Hua made a visit to the polyclinics in Singapore during her official trip to Singapore to promote economic cooperation .

  7. 厦门市政府办公厅和厦门市卫生局分别带团前往新加坡考察,深入了解新加坡的公共医疗制度,当中也包括新加坡社区综合诊疗所。

    Delegations respectively led by Xiamen Municipal Government Office and Xiamen Health Bureau visited Singapore to study Singapore 's public health system , including polyclinics .

  8. 在一名通勤者的帮助下,他们成功地联系上了一家动物诊疗所,该诊疗所同意过来接送这只狗狗。

    With the help of a commuter , they managed to contact an animal clinic , which agreed to come and pick up the dog .

  9. 医院和诊疗所降价提供最新的保健技术,而且甚至为负担不起降价费用的人们提供无偿服务。

    Hospitals and clinics also provide the latest in health care technologies at reduced prices or even free to those who could not otherwise afford it .

  10. 医疗费:因患职业病进行诊疗所需费用,由工伤保险基金按照规定标准支付;

    Medical expenses : expenses required for diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund according to the prescribed standards ;

  11. 来自福建省卫生厅的10人代表团赴新考察社区综合诊疗所,并同新保集团进一步商讨医疗人员培训事宜。

    A10-member delegation from Fujian Provincial Health Bureau made a study visit to Singapore to better understand Singapore 's polyclinics and further discuss training programme with SingHealth .

  12. 该中心楼高8层,清真寺占了两层,还设有礼堂、图书馆和诊疗所各一间,以及课室和办公室多间。

    In Wan Chai , was opened in1981 and houses a masjid on two floors , a community hall , a library , a medical clinic , classrooms and offices .

  13. 最近,越来越多的医院,诊疗所等已运用音乐的力量&她不仅能安慰病人,而且还有助于治疗疾病。

    Recently , more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music & not only to comfort patients , but to help them heal as well .

  14. 每名就诊疗所注册的人须委任及保持聘用一名注册医生,该注册医生须负责其获委任的有关诊疗所的医务管理工作。

    Every person registered in respect of a clinic shall appoint and maintain a registered medical practitioner who shall be responsible for the medical management of the clinic in relation to which he has been appointed .