
  • 网络the Potomac;the Potomac River
  1. 波托马克河上运营的唯一一艘渡轮很受当地上班族的欢迎。

    The only ferry operating on the Potomac River is popular among the region 's commuters .

  2. 跨过波托马克河就是五角大楼??一座奇特而又低矮的五边形建筑。

    Across the Potomac River is the Pentagon , a strange , low , five-sides building .

  3. 波托马克河,流经首都华盛顿;

    The potomac , bordering the national capital at washington ;

  4. 把我装进焚烧袋,扔进波托马克河

    put me in a burn bag and spread me over the Potomac .

  5. 他再一次地强令召回了波托马克河的部队。

    Once again , he had forced back the Army of the Potomac .

  6. 这条公路连接着华盛顿和波托马克河,总长约一百四十公里。

    The road is about one hundred forty kilometers from Washington , on the other side of the Potomac River .

  7. 这座拔地而起的首都之轮距波托马克河55米好似直入云霄,可以一览华盛顿特区的全景。

    The Capital Wheel soars 55 meters above the Potomac River with panoramic views of the Washington , D.C. area .

  8. 他们将提供沟通,医疗和陆地,空中和波托马克河的交通方面的服务。

    They will provide such services as communications , healthcare and transportation by land , air and on the Potomac River .

  9. 下面,我们将离开使馆街,沿着波托马克河去参观华盛顿历史上著名的乔治城。

    STEVE EMBER : Next , we leave Embassy Row and head for Washington 's historic Georgetown neighborhood along the Potomac River .

  10. 美国第6任总统约翰-昆西-亚当斯天热的时候习惯黎明前到波托马克河裸泳。

    In warm weather , 6th president of the United States John Quincy Adams customarily went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River before dawn .

  11. 尽管取得了明显的进展,但在许多地方,比如波托马克河沿岸,这项工作远未结束。

    Despite their obvious progress , in many places such as here along the Potomac River , the work is far from over .

  12. 黛安·丽老师在地形图上指出斯利戈溪流入阿纳卡斯塔河,再流入波托马克河,最后流入切萨皮克海湾,汇入大西洋。

    Lill indicates on the map how Sligo Creek leads to the Anacostia River then to the Potomac , which eventually dumps to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean .

  13. 同时,汉密尔顿及其他北方议员同意,在十年时间里将这个新生共和国的首都从费城迁到波托马克河河岸(译者注:指向南迁)。

    While Hamilton , along with other northerners , agreed to move the capital of the new republic from Philadelphia to the banks of the Potomac in 10 years ' time .

  14. 从加利福尼亚到新泽西,沿着华盛顿特区外的波托马克河河岸,人们戴着防护装备,在海岸上搜寻垃圾。

    From California to New Jersey , and here along the banks of the Potomac River just outside Washington DC , people don protective gear and comb the coast for trash .

  15. 一家亚特兰大报纸的社论写道,不管后果如何要么血染波托马克河,要么让血肉模糊的尸体在宾夕法尼亚大道上堆到十英寻高。

    An editorial in an Atlanta paper " Let the consequences be what they may . Whether the Potomac is crimsoned in human gore and Pennsylvania Avenue is paved ten fathoms with mangled bodies ,

  16. 过了这些英雄纪念物就是波托马克河,河对岸就是阿灵顿国家公墓,坡地上排者一行行刻着十字架和大卫王之星的朴实无华的白色墓碑,

    Beyond those monuments to heroism is the Potomac River , and on the far shore the sloping hills of Arlington National Cemetery with its row on row of simple white markers bearing crosses or Stars of David .

  17. 就像每年阵亡将士纪念日的传统一样,总统和夫人随后前往距离白宫不远的位于波托马克河对岸的阿灵顿国家公墓。

    As is traditional each year on Memorial Day , when the nation honors its war dead , the president and his wife then traveled the short distance from the White House across the Potomac River to Arlington National Cemetery .

  18. 波托马克鹰号列车沿着西弗吉尼亚州罗姆尼附近波托马克河南边的支流奔跑。

    The Potomac Eagle runs along the south branch of the Potomac River , near Romney , W.Va .