- wave steepness

On Characteristics of Wave Steepness
The effects of crest , angle , multi-directionality , depth and wave steepness on average overtopping discharge maximum overtopping per wave is presented .
Method of Ship Wave Resistance Calculation Based on Noblesse 's New Slender Ship Theory and Wave-Steepness Restriction
In contrast , the dependences of the fractional energy losses on the initial steepnesses ( ak ) 0 have significant discrepancies for the different spectrums .
On the characteristic wave steepness
Moreover , the empirical formula of the wave height and the wave length of the wind wave change with the wave age is also presented .
The mean square slope is defined as the total slope variance of sea surface , and it reflects the coarse degree of the sea surface .
Changes of wave pressure ahead of the embankment and uplift wave pressure subjected to the changes of wave height , wave steepness and degree of slope are studied .
On the basis of regression analysis , the relationship between wave parameters and wave force as well as moment acting on the large diameter cylinder structure is given .
Then we enter on the variety of wind wave energy . Combining the relationship between wave steepness and wave age with the significant wave energy balance equation for wind wave , a new wind wave growth relation is presented .
Basing on various influencing factors of wave , the experiment achieves that various wave steepness , ratios of slope and different depth of water and wave heights have a great effect on the stability of structure and presents the recommendations so as to instruct practical engineering .
The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by the MAC method to study a solitary wave propagation on a shelf with a terrance risen up suddenly .
Numerical Simulation of Steep Waves Based on New Wave Theory
The non-linear effects can make abrupt wave pattern , accordingly can bring non-symmetry of stream function and high concentration of streamline .
Based on new wave theory , consider a transformation function (?)