
  • 网络Prime Minister of Poland
  1. 捷克总理杨.菲舍尔(JanFischer)称,周四早,总统已经通知了他这项计划,捷克共和国“承认该决定”。波兰总理唐纳德•图斯克称波兰仍然忠诚于美国。

    Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer said the president informed him early Thursday , and that the Czech Republic " acknowledges this decision . " Poland 's Prime Minister Donald Tusk says his country still remains to the United States .

  2. 波兰总理表示支持罗马尼亚加入北约和欧盟

    Polish Prime Minister Voices Support for Romania 's Accession to NATO and EU

  3. 波兰总理唐纳德塔斯克说他将立即飞往坠毁地点&俄国的斯摩林斯克。

    Poland 's prime minister , Donald Tusk , said that he would travel immediately to Smolensk , Russia , the site of the crash .

  4. 波兰总理图斯克日前表示,在足球问题上,波兰可以采取一些冒险、激进的方法,即使这会付出一定的代价。

    Polish Prime Minister Tusk recently said that the issue football , Poland can take some risks radical approach , even if it will have to pay .

  5. 上星期美国高级官员说,已达成一项临时协议,但是波兰总理图斯克上星期五说,美国的提议并不令人满意,但是会谈会继续进行。

    Last week , senior U.S. officials said a tentative accord had been reached , but Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk last Friday said the U.S. offer was unsatisfactory , although talks would continue .

  6. 波兰总理图斯克6日表示,鉴于希腊遇到的债务危机,目前不是波兰考虑加入欧元区的最优选择。

    The premier of Poland Tusk said in6th , in view of the debt crisis which Greece encountered , now , it is not a best time for Poland to think about to access the Eurozone .

  7. 教宗下午稍作休息后,将分别与波兰总统克瓦涅夫斯基与总理米勒晤谈。

    The Pope is to take a brief rest in the afternoon and he will then meet with Polish President Alexander kwasneiwski and Prime Minister Leszek Miller separately .

  8. 奥巴马总统将会晤波兰总统科莫罗斯基以及波兰总理图斯克。

    Obama will be meeting with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk .

  9. 是否使馆为蓄意攻击的目标仍有待证实,西科尔斯基补充说,这一事件已报告给波兰波兰总统卡钦斯基和总理图斯克。

    It has yet to be confirmed whether the embassy was deliberately targeted , Sikorski said , adding that the incident has been reported to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk .