
  • 网络Rip Current;rip tide;offshore current
  1. 事实上很多人遭遇离岸流(ripcurrent)时不会想着要避开,而是希望能和这股水流一决高下。

    Most people won 't actually try to run away from a rip current ; they probably hope to outswim it .

  2. 在你下水之前,又没有什么好办法能够辨认出离岸流呢?

    Is there any way to recognize a rip current before you get into the water ?

  3. 风对黄骅海域流场的影响较大,在NE向8级风条件下,沿岸流和离岸流较明显,这可能是导致航道强淤的重要因素之一。

    Under the condition of northeast wind of force 8 , both alongshore current and offshore current are obvious , which may be an important reason of severe siltation in the outer navigation channels of Huanghua Port .

  4. 离岸流的威力超乎你的想象。

    Rip currents are more powerful than you may realize .

  5. 用混合紊流模型求解沿岸流和离岸流

    A Hybrid Turbulence Model for Numerical Solution of Longshore Current and Rip Current

  6. 如果能认出来对于避免一个已经形成的离岸流还是不错的。

    I guess that 's good for avoiding one that has already formed .

  7. 有一种叫做离岸流的海浪,被认为是元凶。

    There 's something called a rip current , which was believed to be the cause .

  8. 据统计,美国每年有一百多人死于离岸流。

    It is estimated that over 100 people drown each year in the US due to rip currents .

  9. 我知道离岸流是一股快速离开海岸的浪潮。

    Hmm. I know that a rip current is basically a flow of water moving quickly away from a beach .

  10. 从模拟中得到,近岸波浪传播受沿岸流、离岸流的流速和梯度影响时,波高的变化规律。

    As a result , the correlation between wave height and the velocity and the gradient of coastal currents was obtained .

  11. 人们遇到离岸流时,常常会直接逆流而游,很不幸,这样只会耗费体力,最后溺水而死。

    Trying to directly swim against a rip current , a common reaction , will only lead to fatigue and drowning .

  12. 但海浪在沙洲冲出一个洞,从洞口处冲出的水流就形成了一股离岸流。

    When the waves break a hole in the sand bar , the current flows through that neck , forming a rip current .

  13. 这无疑进一步增加了这海滩的危险性,然而它最大的危险在于强大的离岸流和海浪会把强壮且经验丰富的下水者推向大海。

    This only adds to the beach 's primary danger : powerful rip currents capable of pulling even strong , experienced swimmers out to sea .

  14. 如果你看见了碎浪,同时看见了一个平点在碎浪中从海滩后撤,那个可能就是离岸流。

    If you look at the breakers and see a flat spot running back from the beach between a few of them , that might be a rip current .

  15. 我游泳的地方有许多碎浪,但它们只是拍打在我身上,并没有把我推回沙滩,与此同时,离岸流把我往海里拽。

    There were small breakers where I was swimming , but they only splashed over me without pushing me in toward the beach . Meanwhile , the current kept pulling me out .

  16. 从我了解到的关于离岸流的知识来看,水的流速可达到每秒2.5米,尽管通常情况下流速是0.5米每秒。嗯。

    From what I read about rip currents , the water can move as fast as 2.5 meters per second , though typically it moves at a rate of 0.5 meters per second .

  17. 如果你已经下水了,同时在越走越远时注意到有交替的深浅点出现,你也能够知道可能会出现离岸流的危险。

    If you get into the water and notice alternating deep and shallow spots as you walk farther and farther out , you can also know there 's a danger of a rip current .

  18. 正常情况下,鲨鱼会袭击人类大多是因为它受到了某种形式的刺激。同样地,如果置身水中的你感觉自己被拉离安全水域,离岸流比鲨鱼更有可能给你带来杀身之祸。

    most sharks that attack have been provoked by a human in some way.All the same , if you 're in the water and feel yourself pulled away from safety , a rip current is much more likely to be responsible than a shark .

  19. 依据Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析模型分析,本区沉积物运移趋势多为离岸余流所主导,多呈离岸运移趋势。

    According to Cao-Collins grain size trends model , sediment transport trends in this area mostly dominated by offshore residual currents , they showed mostly offshore transport trends .

  20. 摘要采用三维斜压海流模型模拟了潮汐混合、离岸风以及上升流风对河流羽流发展的影响。

    A3-d baroclinic ocean model is used to examine the influence of tide , offshore wind and upwelling-favorable wind on the river plume development .