
  • 网络The Boston Globe;Boston Globe, The;boston
  1. 据《波士顿环球报》报道,2012年获得学士学位的学生每月平均贷款为312美元,比2004年的毕业生高出三分之一。

    According to The Boston Globe , students who earned their bachelor 's in 2012 have an average monthly loan payment of $ 312 , which is one-third more than those who graduated in 2004 .

  2. 但对那些调查恋童癖神父的勇敢的《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)记者的颂扬,抬举了我们这个行将就木的行业。

    But the celebration of brave Boston Globe reporters investigating paedophile priests flatters our dying industry .

  3. 我以为我的电影只是简单的爱情故事,1991年,山口淑子在接受《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)采访时说。

    I thought my films were simple romances , Ms. Yamaguchi told The Boston Globe in 1991 .

  4. 直到21世纪初,西方国家才拥有了强大的地方报纸,包括《波士顿环球报》和《约克郡晚间邮报》(YorkshireEveningPost)。

    Until the early 21st century , western countries had strong local newspapers too , from the Boston Globe to the Yorkshire Evening Post .

  5. Edelman之后对《波士顿环球报》说,布鲁克莱恩的官员们拒绝干涉此事。

    Edelman later told the Boston Globe that Brookline officials declined to intervene .

  6. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)食品添加剂安全办公室的奇斯曼(MitchellCheeseman)向《波士顿环球报》表示,对食品安全性的测量与药品不同。

    Mitchell Cheeseman of the FDA 's Office of Food Additive Safety told the Globe that safety is measured differently for food than for medicines .

  7. 这是一个罪与罚的黑暗故事,可能会引起人们的兴趣,因为影片《聚焦》(Spotlight)反映《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)调查神父性侵事件以及罗马天主教会对此的掩饰同样获得了大奖。

    A dark tale of crime and punishment , the film might generate interest in light of " Spotlight , " the award-winning film about the Boston Globe investigation into sexual abuse by priests and the Roman Catholic Church cover-up .

  8. Oscar是一只普通的猫,但它对于死亡却有着超常的感应,布朗大学公共卫生教授、罗德岛家庭和临终关怀医疗顾问琼M特诺在接受《波士顿环球报》采访时说。

    Oscar is a normal cat with an extra-normal sense for death , Dr. Joan M. Teno , professor of community health at Brown and associate medical director of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island , told the Boston Globe .

  9. 在《波士顿环球报》的观点专栏中,AlexPearlman指出,在仇视女性的道路上Rodger一点也不孤单,在网络上还有很多这样的人。

    In an opinion piece in The Boston Globe , Alex Pearlman points out that Rodger is not alone in his hatred for women . There are plenty of like minds on the Internet .

  10. LinguistBenZimmer是《波士顿环球报》语言类文章撰稿人,为Hall最后一册词典首次推出而兴奋的人,不止他一人。

    And a party where everyone brings food is either a potluck or a pitch-in . Linguist Ben Zimmer writes about language for the Boston Globe . He was not the only one excited at Ms. Hall 's first public showing of the final DARE volume . It was at a meeting of the American Dialect Society in January .

  11. 即使是《波士顿环球报》的新闻编辑室都减员了,其发行量也一落千丈。

    Even the Globe 's newsroom has shrunk , while its circulation has plummeted .

  12. 父母曾经是美国官员的人看波士顿环球报。

    The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country .

  13. 据(波士顿环球报)报道他们在火星上找到了水。

    It says ( in Boston Globe ) that they have found water in Mars .

  14. 这则消息在佛罗里达州的艾滋病会议上公开,《波士顿环球报》进行了报道。

    The news was disclosed in a Aids meeting in Florida and reported by the Boston Global .

  15. 同许多美国报刊一样,随着纸媒流通性下降,广告收入陷入低谷,《波士顿环球报》大受冲击。

    Like many US newspapers , the Globe has been hit by a slump in advertising revenue with circulation declining .

  16. 实际上,图片是真实的,来自《波士顿环球报》,通过盖蒂图片社分享到网络上。

    The image is , in fact , real . It comes from the Boston Globe and was shared through Getty Images .

  17. 《波士顿环球报》的这篇报道显示,教会领导人在阻止对儿童和教会成员犯罪方面无所作为。

    The stories in the Globe showed that church leaders had done nothing to stop crimes against children and other church members .

  18. 1991年接受《波士顿环球报》采访时,她说自己一直热爱这两个国家,并且一直未从中日战争的创伤中恢复。

    She had always loved them both , she told The Globe in 1991 , and never fully recovered from the war between them .

  19. 美国最知名报刊之一《波士顿环球报》被低价出售,仅为20年前收购价的零头。

    The Boston Globe , one of the most prestigious US newspapers , is being sold for a fraction of what it was worth 20 years ago .

  20. 《波士顿环球报》称波士顿马拉松爆炸案的其中一名嫌犯已经被抓获,但另一名仍然在逃,并在沃特敦附近与警察交火。

    The Globe said one suspect in Monday 's Boston Marathon bombings has been captured , but another remains on the loose in Watertown after a firefight with police .

  21. 据《华盛顿邮报》和《波士顿环球报》报道,一名车臣男子在奥兰多被枪杀,目前已经排除卷入该案的美国联邦调查局探员存在违规行为。

    The Washington Post and Boston Globe are reporting that the FBI agent involved in the fatal shooting of a Chechen man in Orlando has been cleared of any wrongdoing .

  22. 过去3年,报纸广告支出平均下降50%,这使得《波士顿环球报》及美国其它报纸走向了破产边缘。

    The drop in newspaper advertising spending of an average of 50 per cent over the past three years has driven the globe and newspapers across America to the brink of insolvency .

  23. 山口淑子在接受采访时说,她年轻时认为中国是“家乡”,日本是“祖国”。1991年接受《波士顿环球报》采访时,她说自己一直热爱这两个国家,并且一直未从中日战争的创伤中恢复。

    Ms. Yamaguchi told interviewers that as a young woman she considered China her " home country " and Japan her " ancestral country . " She had always loved them both , she told The Globe in 1991 , and never fully recovered from the war between them .