
  • 网络Worldcom;Telecom World;World Telecommunications
  1. 即使不包括世界电信的非美国子公司,这也是美国到目前为止最大的一宗破产申请。

    Even without WorldCom 's non-US subsidiaries , this will be by far the largest bankruptcy filing so far in the US .

  2. 众议院金融服务委员会在确定世界电信前首席执行官和首席财务官在该公司发布财务报表中的地位时从该二人处几乎没有得到任何协助。

    The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company 's restatement of accounts .

  3. 十年前,斯蒂尔作为一名成功的投资顾问在世界电信展(ITUWorld)上发言。世界电信展是联合国主导的一项活动,重点是科技在政府中的应用。

    Ten years ago , Steele was a successful investment advisor speaking at ITU World , a United Nations conference on technology for government .

  4. 手机邮箱和Blackberry业务是中国移动于今年5·17世界电信日期间全国范围内面向集团客户市场推出的业务。

    Cellphoneemailand blackberry services are nationwide services introduced by China Mobile toward the group client market on May17th , the world telecommunication day , of this year .

  5. 是ITU向全世界电信部门推荐的标准,但其复杂度较高,实时实现存在较大的困难。

    It is recommended to the telecom department all over the world by the ITU , but it is difficult to realize in real time because of the high algorithmic complexity .

  6. 文章对目前及未来10年世界电信业各个领域,如基础技术、光通信技术、因特网技术、移动通信技术、软件技术、ATM技术以及卫星通信技术的走向进行了宏观的描述和展望。

    The development trend of world telecommunications technologies of different domains in the next decade are described and forcasted in this paper , including basic technologies , optical communications technologies , Internet technologies , mobile communications technologies , software technologies , ATM technologies and satellite communications technologies .

  7. 世界电信业何以现颓势?

    Why does the world telecommunications industry assume a down turn ?

  8. 世界电信业如何摆脱困境?

    How can the world telecom industry get out of its difficulties ?

  9. 行动起来创建公平的信息社会&四川通信界隆重纪念第37届世界电信日纪实

    Creating an Equitable Information Society : Time for Action

  10. 世界电信业兼并浪潮及其动因分析

    Merger Tides and Its Dynamic Factors in World Telecommunications

  11. 2007年世界电信和信息社会日解读

    The Explanation of the Theme of 2007 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

  12. 世界电信开放及我国的对策

    World telecommunication opening and the countermeasures of China

  13. 1992年世界电信市场简况

    The State of World Telecommunications Market in 1992

  14. 世界电信发展十大特点

    Ten characteristics of Telecom Development in the World

  15. 国际化运营是当前世界电信运营发展的方向之一。

    Internationalization operation is one of the development directions of world telecom operation at present .

  16. 世界电信十年回眸

    Retrospect of Decade - Long World Telecom

  17. 在全球一体化的今天,世界电信日提高人们对电信的重视程度。

    WTD raises our awareness of the importance of telecommunications in today 's global village .

  18. 世界电信发展独立委员会

    Independent Commission for World-wide Telecommunications Development

  19. 世界电信市场规模

    Telecom Market Scale in the World

  20. 跨越数字鸿沟&写于第34届世界电信日之际

    Crossing the Digital Divide

  21. 为了庆祝人们在通信领域所取得的巨大成就,特此设立世界电信日。

    World Telecommunication Day ( WTD ) celebrates the advances we have made in how we communicate with each other .

  22. 目前中国已经成为全世界电信网络规模和个人用户规模最大的国家。

    China at present has the largest size of telecommunication network and individual user 's network already in the whole world .

  23. 进入新世纪以来,虽然世界电信业开始低迷,然而我国通信制造企业却仍然保持了快速增长的势头。

    In the new century , Chinese telecommunications manufacturing industry is still maintained a rapid growth , performance extraordinary in the international market .

  24. 1865年5月17日,国际电报联盟成立,并将每年这一天设为世界电信日。

    It is on May 17 each year because that is the day in 1865 when the International Telegraph Union ( ITU ) started .

  25. 转型是世界电信业的大趋势,也是中国电信业长远发展的内在要求。电信运营企业转型是电信业转型的具体体现之一,也是关系到国计民生的大事。

    Transformation is the tendency of world telecommunications industry , and it is also the inner requirement of the long-term development of China telecommunications industry .

  26. 今年的5·17具有非常特别的意义,我们挥一挥手,作别原有的世界电信日,迎来了新的节日&世界电信和信息社会日。

    From the World Telecommunication Day to the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day , we welcome the new starting point on 17 May this year .

  27. 在技术、竞争和需求的共同作用下,世界电信呈现十大特征。全球化、自由化、法制化和兼并重组构成了电信业新的格局,全方位的竞争更是推波助澜;

    With the development of technology , competition and demands , the telecom world shows the features of globalization , liberalization , legalization , merger and reorganization .

  28. 由于已检查过的文件显示会计丑闻可能回溯至1999年,众议院能源和商务委员会已经向世界电信要求提供更多的信息。

    The House Energy and Commerce Committee has asked for more information from WorldCom , since the documents it has examined so far show that the accounting scandal may go back to1999 .

  29. 特别是这种先拆后整合的跨运营商IT交接所存在的技术难度是世界电信史上绝无仅有的,更没有任何先例可供借鉴。

    In particular the demolition of this first post-integrated inter-operator IT handover the technical difficulty is unique in the history of ITU Telecom World , but there is no precedent for reference .

  30. 进入21世纪以来,世界电信产业受到了前所未有的打击,尤其是近来随着网络经济的衰退,世界电信产业走向了百年不遇的低潮时期。

    The world 's telecom industry has been buffeted than ever since 21 century 's , especially with the decline of network economy in recent years , it goes into clinical period .