
  • 网络World Economic;World Economics
  1. 摘要世界经济学目前在中国面临著挑战。

    World economics faces even more challenges than ever before .

  2. 结构主义和非对称均衡:对世界经济学研究方法的重新思考

    Structuralism and Asymmetry-equilibrium : Reconsideration on the Research Approach of World Economics

  3. 其次,从研究的内容上看,全球化的出现既丰富了世界经济学的研究空间,也对世界经济学的研究内容本身提出了挑战。再者,世界经济的研究手段、工具到底是什么?

    Secondly , globalization has undoubtedly enriched the research capacity of world economics while challenges its research content .

  4. 期权理论是20世纪世界经济学领域最伟大的发现之一。

    Option theory is one of the greatest findings in the area of the world 's economics in the 20th century .

  5. 世界经济学界在着手研究可持续发展的绿色经济问题时,绿色税制也应运而生。

    When researchers specialized in world economy begin to study " green economy " of sustainable development , green taxation system comes into being .

  6. 在世界经济学快速发展的今天,大多数公司经常使用不一致评价目标。

    In world economics fast development today , the majority company often uses each kind of very inconsistent weight target in the different service flow .

  7. 本文以马克思主义经济学、凯恩斯主义经济学、新自由主义经济学为主线,对20世纪世界经济学的历史进行了全面回顾。

    Based on Marxism , Keynesian and New Liberalism Economics , this article presents an overall and worldwide review on 20 th century 's economic history .

  8. 保罗·A·萨缪尔森是当今世界经济学界的巨匠之一,他所研究的内容涉及经济学的各个领域,是世界上罕见的多能学者。

    Paul Anthony Samuelson is one of the great masters in the present world economics , and also is an infrequent generalist in the world who studied various fields of economics .

  9. 在对外经济关系上,既重视斯密、李嘉图的世界经济学,也重视李斯特的国民经济学,积极发展对外经贸关系,循序渐进地实现同世界经济的一体化。

    In foreign economic relations , the new road motivates active development of foreign trade and economic cooperation and pushes the realization of gradual world economic integration , paying attention to both Smith Ricardo 's world economics and List 's national economics .

  10. 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究院(WorldInstituteforDevelopmentEconomicsResearch)进行的调查表明,全球财富分配极不均衡。

    The study by the UNU 's World Institute for Development Economics Research ( Wider ) showed that global wealth is extremely unequally distributed .

  11. 站在世界传媒经济学大殿前&写在第7届世界传媒经济学术会议申办成功之际

    On world media economics

  12. 只有通过想象存在一个由互动机器人组成的机械世界,经济学才能获得严谨、预测性科学的地位。

    It is only by imagining a mechanical world of interacting robots that economics has gained its status as a hard , predictive science .

  13. “全球森林碳融资可以有效地激励人们停止砍伐森林,”世界银行发展经济学领域首席经济学家、高级副行长FrancoisBourguignon表示。

    " Global forest carbon financing could be a powerful incentive to stop deforestation " says Fran ç ois Bourguignon , Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President , Development Economics at the Bank .

  14. “我们希望人们能更加清楚地认识到,交通包含性别内容,”负责也门和卡萨布兰卡研究的世界银行交通经济学Jean-CharlesCrochet说。

    " We want people to be better aware that there is a gender dimension to transport ," says World Bank Transport Economist , Jean-Charles Crochet , who led the studies in Yemen and Casablanca .

  15. 周五,来自世界各地的经济学专家在意大利聚集,参加一年一度的安博思经济论坛。

    In Italy , economic experts from around the world gathered for the annual Ambrosetti Economy Forum on Friday .

  16. 目前产业群落已成为世界各国区域经济学、产业经济学、经济地理学和战略管理学等相关学科共同关注的热点和前沿领域。

    And , it then becomes a hot and leading area of studies on regional and industrial economics , economic geography , strategic management and other relevant subjects around the world ;

  17. 设有世界经济和国民经济学两个国家级重点学科;

    Is equipped with the world economics and the national economic two state-levels key discipline ;

  18. 发展中国家农民收入的提高和农村发展是21世纪世界农业和农业经济学六大前沿问题之一,我国也不例外。

    The issue of farmers ' income increase and rural development is one of the six cutting edge issues of international agricultural industry and agricultural economics for 21st century ; China can not be any exceptional .

  19. 设有世界经济和国民经济学两个国家级重点学科;设有国家经济学基础人才培养基地和教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地—比较经济体制研究中心。

    with 2 national key disciplines of world economy and national economy in addition to a base for cultivating personnel of basic national economy , and a key base for research on humanities , and a center of research on the system of comparative economy as designated by the Ministry of Education .

  20. 然而,经济世界毕竟不同于自然世界,经济学理论也不会等同于自然科学理论。

    However , the economic world is different from the natural world and the economic theory not be the same as the natural sciences theory .

  21. 世界杯或世界聚财之杯&世界杯经济学

    World Cup Economics To the world

  22. 国别利益的最大化、各国利益的国际均衡、世界整体利益的发展与效率,构成了世界经济发展主题的三个基本内容,也构成了世界经济学的三个基本命题。

    The maximum of national interests , the international balance of national interests and the development and efficiency of world interests form three main topics of the development of world economy and three essential propositions of World Economics .