
  • 网络world architecture
  1. 今日纽约&《世界建筑》专访系列

    New York now : a series of interviews by World Architecture

  2. 中式庭院在玛斯兰德重新解构,得以与古老的世界建筑融合。

    The Chinese courtyard is redefined in Masterland to work with the old world architecture .

  3. 中国是WTO成员国,中国的建筑业从总体上看,同世界建筑业比较差距是显而易见的。

    China has joined WTO and there is still an obvious gap in architecture between China and other countries in the world .

  4. 建筑节能是当今世界建筑发展的大趋势,EPS外保温复合墙体是一种新型的节能墙体形式。

    Energy saving is the great development trend of the construction all over the world , today . EPS outer-insulating composite wall is a new type of energy saving wall .

  5. 20世纪90年代的日本建筑是世界建筑舞台上不容忽视的角色,本文从三个方面对其进行研究:关注“Program”问题,探讨空间利用的多样性、自由度和集约性;

    Japanese Architecture in the 1990s is a part should not be neglected in global architecture stage . From three aspects , this paper studied Japanese Architecture : Caring lor " program " issues , and discussing diversity , freedom , and intensives of space utilization ;

  6. 从普利茨凯奖看世界建筑文化趋势

    Review the Trend of Architecture Culture in World from Pritz Awards

  7. 建筑节能成为世界建筑界共同关注的问题。

    Building energy-saving construction become the world issues of common concern .

  8. 长城是世界建筑奇迹之一。

    It is one of the engineering wonders of the world .

  9. 从北京到伊斯坦布尔&第22届世界建筑大会报道

    From Beijing to Istanbul : UIA XXII World Congress of Architecture

  10. 论当代世界建筑文化的共生与交融

    On Symbiosis and Combination of the Contemporary World Architectural Culture

  11. 而且会提高世界建筑的优秀的标准。

    And will raise the standards of architectural excellence throughout the world .

  12. 但这并不影响埃菲尔铁塔在世界建筑史上的地位。

    Eiffel Tower does not affect the status of architectural history in the world .

  13. 中国古建筑在世界建筑史中占据着重要的地位。

    Ancient building structures of China occupy important position in the world building history .

  14. 难怪这个地方被称为“世界建筑艺术博览会”。

    No wonder this place is called " Exhibition of World Architectural Art " .

  15. 世界建筑和城市规划信息系统

    World Information System on Architecture and Urban Planning

  16. 西方古典建筑和中国古典建筑是世界建筑艺术中的两大体系。

    There are two principal systems in world architecture-Western classic architecture and chinese traditional architecture .

  17. 以上的研究也从一个侧面折射出当今世界建筑的思潮与表象。

    Upwards researches also reflected the contemporary global architecture thoughts and ideas from another side .

  18. 中国古建筑装饰是世界建筑艺术史上一朵艳丽的奇葩。

    The Chinese ancient construction decoration is outstanding work in the world construction art history .

  19. 正在融入世界建筑潮流的中国建筑

    Chinese Architecture Being Assimilated into World Trends

  20. 我眼中的世界建筑十年

    Ten years of architectural in my eyes

  21. 20世纪世界建筑艺术

    Architecture Art in the 20th Century

  22. 世界建筑业承包人联合会

    World Federation of Building Service Contractors

  23. 近20年来,世界建筑进入了一个纷繁多变的阶段。

    In the recent twenty years , the global architecture has been at the stage of uncertainty .

  24. 建筑节能是近来世界建筑业发展的基本趋向。

    The building economy energy is a recently the world building industry develops basic to incline to .

  25. 《世界建筑》2005年总目录

    Catalogue of World Architecture 2005

  26. 《世界建筑》100期

    100 Issues of World Architecture

  27. 当代世界建筑文化之走向

    Trend of Contemporary Architectural Culture

  28. 历史之翼2005世界建筑史研究和教学国际研讨会述评

    Double Wings of Architectural History Reviews of International Symposium on Teaching and Research of World Architectural History

  29. 思锐建筑工作室一直不断在尝试推动世界建筑设计和总体策划项目的前进。

    The practice consistently attempts to push the boundaries of its architectural and master planning projects worldwide .

  30. 一段时间的努力之后,世界建筑大师们或许会使其重返“高”标准。

    With some work , the world 's architects might bring them back to a very tall standard .