
  • 网络le monde;Die Welt;El Mundo
  1. 他将这种情形和西方的出版物,比如法国的《世界报》(LeMonde)来做比较。

    He contrasts the situation to a western publication like France 's Le Monde .

  2. 法国的一份日报社世界报(LeMonde)报道说布伊格先生曾提及两大集团的合作&BancoCentral在西班牙最大的一家建筑公司拥有大笔股份。

    Le Monde , a French daily , reported that Mr Bouygues spoke of co-operation between the two groups & Banco Central had a big stake in one of Spain 's largest construction firms .

  3. 《世界报》(DieWelt)哀叹道,文德恩原本可以成为大众历史上最成功的一位首席执行官。

    Die Welt laments that Winterkorn could have been VW 's most successful chief executive in the carmaker 's history .

  4. 据德国《世界报》本周五披露,Intel将收购英飞凌公司的手机芯片业务部门。

    Rumors that Intel would buy Infineon 's cellular chip business gained fuel on Friday as Germany 's Die Welt claimed that a deal is close .

  5. 他告诉西班牙报纸《世界报》(ElMundo),没有迹象表明埃克斯卡利伯感染了埃博拉病毒。

    He told the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that there was no indication that Excalibur had been infected with Ebola .

  6. 遗憾的是,这一些我们只能忍耐,除非我们将那个ElMundo《世界报》和他们的体育大楼炸掉。

    Unfortunately it seems like it 's just something we 'll have to put up unless we blow up the El Mundo and Sport buildings .

  7. 在其他地区,被订阅最多的报纸包括英国的《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)、德国的《图片报》(Bild)、法国的《世界报》(LeMonde)以及西班牙的《ElMundo》。

    Elsewhere , the leading subscription publications were The Times in the UK , Bild in Germany , Le Monde in France , and El Mundo in Spain .

  8. 《世界报》(DieWelt)政治编辑托马斯施密德(ThomasSchmid)表示,她在寻求一个“崭新、不同、更丰富多彩、越来越不同质化和相当粗犷的共和国。”

    Thomas Schmid , political editor of Die Welt , says she seeks a " new , different , more colourful , ever less homogenous and fairly rugged republic . "

  9. 法国的情况更加糟糕:《世界报》(LeMonde)往往读起来就像是1788年左右的凡尔赛宫报纸,记载着哪位侍臣正得宠。

    It 's worse in France : Le Monde newspaper often reads like a Versailles palace gazette circa 1788 , chronicling which courtiers are currently in favour .

  10. 在接受《世界报》(LeMonde)采访时,萨科奇表示,自己首先要考虑的头等大事就是恢复工作的价值,并提高法国缓慢的经济增长率。

    Speaking to Le Monde newspaper , Mr Sarkozy said his priority of priorities was to restore the value of work and lift France 's sluggish economic growth rate .

  11. 法国《世界报》(lemonde)对法国总统尼古拉萨科奇(nicolassarkozy)展开了全面攻击,指责他命令法国情报机构对该报报道一起非法政党献金丑闻的记者进行监视。

    French newspaper Le Monde has launched a full-scale attack on President Nicolas Sarkozy , accusing him of ordering French intelligence to spy on its reporter covering an illegal party funding scandal .

  12. 比如,SimilarWeb的数据显示,西班牙《世界报》(ElMundo)每月通过谷歌新闻获得的流量仅占1.3%,而通过搜索获得的流量比例却高达34%。

    The Spanish newspaper El Mundo , for example , receives just 1.3 percent of its monthly traffic from Google News , compared with 34 percent from search engine queries , according to SimilarWeb .

  13. 她向德国《周日世界报》(DieWeltamSonntag)表示:波罗的海国家并未出现战争问题,然而,北约(Nato)协定第5条款适用于所有盟国,即各成员国负有相互支持的义务。

    The question of war in the Baltic states does not arise , she told Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper . Nevertheless , Article 5 of the Nato treaty , that is the obligation of mutual support , applies to all allies .

  14. 法国的《世界报》(LeMonde)也秉持这一观点。它在一篇社论中指出,在法国衰落论甚嚣尘上之时,莫迪亚诺的获奖是对一个国家的认可。在这个国家,诺贝尔文学奖涌现得比石油还多。

    Joining in the chorus , Le Monde suggested in an editorial that at a time of rampant French-bashing , Mr. Modiano 's achievement was something of a vindication for a country where Nobel Prizes in literature flow more liberally than oil .

  15. 在周一的一篇头版文章和随发的社评中,《世界报》称萨科奇企图压制媒体对贝当古(bettencourt)事件的报道,这一报道动摇了法国政府。

    In a front page article and accompanying editorial on Monday , the paper claimed the president was trying to silence coverage of the Bettencourt affair , which has rocked the government .

  16. 谈到核武器问题,据伊朗官方日报《世界报》(Kayhan)的报道,伊朗已开始在福尔多铀浓缩厂生产浓缩铀。

    On the subject of nuclear weapons , according to the Iranian newspaper Kayhan , Iran has started to enrich uranium at its forDo production facility .

  17. 他们指出像“了解查理周报漫画”这样的网站提供了对于该杂志部分较为粗糙的图片的详细分析,或是一项二月份发表在法国《世界报》(LeMonde)上的研究。

    They point to websites like Understanding Charlie Hebdo Cartoons , which offers detailed analysis of some of the magazine 's ruder images , or to a study published in Le Monde in February stating that , contrary to the notion that the publication focused obsessively on Islam ,

  18. 在被称为“省报德纳斯特罗塞纳Jesucristo萨尔瓦多德尔世界报”西班牙征服者的洗礼,它现在被称为萨尔瓦多共和国。

    After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as " Provincia De Nuestro Se ñ or Jesucristo El Salvador Del Mundo ", it 's now known as the Republic of El Salvador .

  19. 让男性偷偷地把衣服交给女性朋友代洗或求助于自助洗衣店,这在当今社会毫无意义。Guardia公共学院协会的弗朗西斯科-塞西莉亚在接受西班牙《世界报》采访时说道。

    In today 's world , it makes no sense that male residents would have to secretly pass their clothes to a female or visit a laundromat to do their laundry , Francisco Cecilia of the unified Guardia Civil Association told El Mundo newspaper .

  20. 他还降价自己的报纸,使其比《纽约世界报》更加便宜。

    He also reduced the price of his newspaper below Mister Pulitzer 's.

  21. 朱彤:我是法国《世界报》的记者。

    REPORTER : I am from the French Daily Le Monde , Chatevon .

  22. 赫斯特先生雇佣了许多来自普利策先生《纽约世界报》的记者。

    Mister Hearst hired many reporters from Mister Pulitzer 's New York World newspaper .

  23. 欲知错综复杂的欧元演义将有怎样扣人心弦的后续情节,请参见《世界报》。

    For the next gripping twist in this convoluted euro plot , see Le Monde .

  24. 法国语言学家已经计算出在《世界报》上每166个单词中就有一个是英语单词。

    French linguists have calculated that every166th word in the Le Monde newspaper is english .

  25. 他们随后撤回了这篇文章,并否认该文有感于《世界报》。

    It subsequently withdrew the story and has denied that it was inspired by Le Monde .

  26. 他拥有美国最大的报纸《纽约世界报》

    He owns the biggest paper in the US , " The New York World . "

  27. 他成为了一名记者并开始为《纽约世界报》工作,《纽约世界报》的所有者是约瑟夫·普利策。

    He started working as a reporter for the New York World newspaper owned by Joseph Pulitzer .

  28. 《世界报》表示,除了这两个国家,法国是美国最大规模监听行动的目标。

    Le Monde said France was the target of the biggest surveillance operation , after those two countries .

  29. 富内斯告诉《世界报》说,有些跑道长1公里,但近期我们发现的一条跑道有2.5公里长。

    There are air strips one kilometer long , but recently we found one which was 2.5 kilometers long .

  30. 我猜想这条剪报取自《纽约世界报》,曾是一家轰动的报纸,由普利策拥有。

    I suspect the extract is from the New York World when it was a sensational paper owned by Pulitzer .