
  1. 关于硕士生教育实行收费制的思考

    Reflections on the Possibility of Tuition Charge for Education of Postgraduates

  2. 具体如下:首先,建构了从就业访谈看传播学硕士生教育的扎根理论框架。

    Details are as follows : First , a grounded theory frame is constructed from the view of employment interview about postgraduate employment of communication .

  3. 就业形势的严峻引起了国内学者对硕士生教育的重视,但是对于传播学这&新兴学科的就业研究却少之又少,这并不利于高校传播学教育。

    Postgraduate education is attached great importance by domestic scholars because of severe employment situation , while researches about this new-rising subject are scanty , which is detrimental to communication education of colleges .

  4. 构建与CNS接轨的护理硕士研究生教育的探讨

    Probe into constructing nursing education for master postgraduates in line with clinical nursing specialists

  5. 工程硕士研究生教育质量保障体系研究

    The Study on the Education Quality Assurance Systems of Engineering Master

  6. 地质类跨专业硕士研究生教育方式探讨

    Discussion on the Education Pattern for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate of Geology Master

  7. 完善导师负责制提高硕士研究生教育质量

    Consummating the Tutor System To Improve the Quality of Graduate Education

  8. 地方院校工程硕士研究生教育可持续发展初探

    Sustainable Development of Engineering Master Graduate Education in Local Colleges and Universities

  9. 法学硕士研究生教育质量的评价方法

    How to Review the Quality of Education of Law Postgraduate

  10. 第四部分内蒙古工业大学全日制硕士研究生教育质量保障体系的构建。

    The fourth part is constructing educational quality security system for postgraduate .

  11. 中国法学领域内硕士研究生教育之路

    Chinese Graduate Education in the Field of Science of Law

  12. 普通高校武术方向硕士研究生教育与培养之研究

    The research on education and cultivation of Wushu postgraduate students in university

  13. 中美风景园林专业硕士研究生教育比较

    Comparison of Master Degree Education of Landscape Architecture between China and America

  14. 硕士研究生教育个人投资的决策分析

    To Analyse on the Personal Investing Decision in Postgraduate Education

  15. 指导硕士生数学教育论文写作的实践与认识

    Practice and Recognition of Instructing Research Students in the Process of Writing Thesis

  16. 论工程硕士研究生教育的改革与创新

    On the Reform and Innovation for the Postgraduate Education of Master of Engineering

  17. 地质类硕士研究生教育模式探讨

    Discussion on the Postgraduate Education Pattern for Geology Master

  18. 我国硕士研究生教育质量内部保证体系研究

    Research on the Internal Quality Assurance System of Master Degree Graduation in China

  19. 我国档案学硕士研究生教育现状分析

    Analysis on the Present Situation of Post-graduate Education of Archival Science in China

  20. 在文化方面,专业型硕士研究生教育的发展需要相对宽松的文化氛围;

    In culture , the development of such education need loose cultural atmosphere comparatively .

  21. 我国体育学硕士研究生教育的本质特征研究

    Research on Essential Character of the Education of Sports Master Degree Candidate in China

  22. 论硕士研究生教育发展过程中导师队伍建设

    Analysis of the Guidance of the Professors in the Process of Graduates Education Development

  23. 中美图书情报学硕士研究生教育比较研究

    A Study of Comparing China and America Graduate Education of Library and Information Science

  24. 我国高校硕士研究生教育的生师比问题研究

    Study on the Master Student-faculty Ratio in Universities

  25. 金匮要略硕士研究生教育模式初探

    A study of master degree educational mode of Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber

  26. 我国硕士研究生教育收费的理据和政策研究

    The Related Researches on the Reason and Policy of Master Education Charges of Our Country

  27. 硕士研究生教育质量评价的研究

    Research of Master 's Education Quality Evaluation

  28. 运动人体科学专业硕士研究生教育实习现状及思考

    State Quo and Considerations on Teaching Practice of Graduates Majoring in Sports and Human Science

  29. 我国物理教学论硕士研究生教育的状况及发展研究

    Study on the Actuality and Development of Graduate Education of Physics Teaching Theory in China

  30. 当前对硕士研究生教育实行收费制有其必要性和可行性。

    It is suggested that , at present , there is such a necessity and feasibility .