
  1. 从硕人其颀到多愁多病&试论中国传统艺术中女性形象之演变

    On the Transformation of the Feminist Image in Traditional Chinese Art

  2. 这其实是一种焦虑症,本来外形高达健硕的人却总觉得自己太瘦小。

    It is an anxiety disorder which causes someone to see themselves as small , despite being big and muscular .

  3. 形成腹部六块肌肉的斜纹肌对于希腊英雄,奥林匹克铁饼运动员或者任何想要看上去健硕的人来说都是必须的。

    Strong obliques - the side muscles that frame your six-pack - are a must for Greek heroes , Olympic discus throwers , or anyone who wants to look like one .

  4. 用餐者都是身材健硕的本地人,正在享受午休时光。

    The diners are all local tradesmen , burly men on their lunch break .

  5. 现行的以4年学制、本硕分开,30人编班、中期筛选为核心的地方师范院校文科基地人才培养模式取得了一定的成绩,同时存在着不少问题。

    The present four-year talents training mode in the art science bases of local normal universities that is separated by undergraduates and graduates , 30 students a class and taking middle selection as a key , has achieved a great deal , but also some problems existed .