
  • 网络Master's supervisor;Graduate Student Instructor;GSI
  1. 硕士研究生导师质量保障长效机制探究

    Exploration Long-term Mechanism of Quality Assurance of Master Instructor

  2. 现为黑龙江大学艺术学院客座教授,硕士研究生导师。

    Now tutor in art department of Heilongjiang University as guest professor and master 's guide .

  3. 现任西安美术学院油画系教授、硕士研究生导师。

    Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts is currently Professor of Master Instructor .

  4. 我国护理硕士研究生导师队伍的现状分析及建设方案的探讨

    Analysis of the status quo and probe into constructing program of master degree nursing tutor team in China

  5. 中央音乐学院院长办公室副主任,译审,中央音乐学院音乐文献翻译专业硕士研究生导师。

    He is the assistant director of Dean 's Office and professor of Translation for Musical Literature in Central Conservatory of Music .

  6. 郑大听,四川音乐学院钢琴系教授、硕士研究生导师、四川省钢琴学会副会长,是我国当代有着杰出贡献的钢琴教育家。

    Zheng Daxin , the professor and research supervisor of the postgraduates in Sichuan Conservatory of Music and the vice President of Piano Association of Sichuan province , is an outstanding piano educationalist with brilliant contribution in China .

  7. 据此,本研究建议加强体育教育硕士研究生导师队伍建设,同时控制研究生招生数量,采取有效措施提高研究生对学位论文的重视程度。

    Accordingly , this study proposed to strengthen the ranks of master Instructor of physical education building , while controlling the number of graduate enrollment , to take effective measures to increase graduate degree thesis on the degree of attention .

  8. 姜节泓在伯明翰艺术与设计学院任硕士和博士研究生导师,并于国内多所院校的硕士和博士课程客座任教,其中包括中央美术学院,中国美术学院和清华大学美术学院。

    He lectures both in the UK and in China , including the Central Academy of Fine Arts , China Academy of Art and Qinghua Institute of Art and Design , and supervises doctoral studies .

  9. 目前我国硕士研究生培养方式是导师制,因此,在整个硕士研究生学习生涯中,导师在硕士研究生的学习、研究、生活中具有不可替代的位置。

    At present our country graduate training mode is the tutorial system , therefore , during the entire graduate study career , tutor in postgraduate study , study , life has its irreplaceable position .

  10. 硕士研究生方面:与导师沟通需充分发挥主动性;以学习为本、努力提高自己的研究能力;提升自身的沟通技巧。

    Graduate : communicating with teachers should give full play to the initiative ; establish a correct outlook on life and values ; to learn this , strive to improve their study ability ; to improve their communication skills .