
  1. 硕士层次教育肩负着社会发展的重任,不仅为社会培养高素质、高层次以及创造性的人才,而且还是增强综合国力和国际竞争力的重要支撑力量,地位和作用不断扩大。

    The Master-level education has the responsibility for training high-quality and creative talents ; meanwhile , it plays a more and more important role in enhancing the comprehensive national power and international competitiveness .

  2. 从其定位和培养目标看,其教育性质属于硕士层次培养应用型法律人才的职业教育,因此,在培养方式上应采用职业化培养模式。

    In terms of its orientation and educational objective , the education of JM by its nature should be a professional education targeted to train applied law talents with master degrees . Thus the educational form should be professionalized .

  3. 在这一章中,对外贸函电文体学特征的分析是在三个层次上进行的,即词汇层次,山东大学硕士学位论文句子层次和篇章的层次。

    The analysis is carried out at lexical level , syntactic level and discourse level .

  4. 探讨主题包括新闻传播的社会功能与新闻传播教育的使命、本科硕士博士三个层次教育的培养目标与培养模式、师资结构及其评价体系。

    The explored issues include the function of journalism and communication and the mission of journalism and communication education , the goal and format of education for undergraduate and postgraduate , faculty structure and evaluation system .

  5. 在人才供给方面,通过文献调查总结了我国高校理科硕士和MBA学位教育对硕士层次人才的培养目标和培养方案的现状和特点;

    When comes to the talents supply , the paper summarizes the status of Chinese science master and MBA degrees ' fostering object and plan by literature search ;

  6. 法律硕士教育是以法律职业为背景的硕士研究生层次的法律专业教育。

    The education of master of law is a legal occupation as the background of the graduate level education in the legal profession .

  7. 工程硕士研究生教育自1984年提出,1997年由国务院学位委员会批准设置的专业学位,是和工学硕士处于同一层次、具有不同特色的学位。

    Engineering master education , which lies the same level with the science master education , was proposed for the first time in 1984 and was authorized as a special degree by Degree Committee of State Department in 1997 .