
  • 网络Information disclosure;information revelation
  1. 因而GA可以被看作是经济社会当中的市场机制(用作信息揭示机制)。

    Therefore , GA can be seen as the market mechanism of economic world ( as the information revelation mechanism ) .

  2. 发行公司质量信息揭示&基于承销方式的选择

    Quality Information Revelation of the Issuer : Based on the Selection of Underwriting Fashion

  3. 表外筹资对利益关系人利弊的探讨企业表外筹资及其信息揭示问题研究

    Research on Disclosure and Countermeasures About Information of Enterprise Off-balance Items

  4. 交易透明度与信息揭示制度:国际趋势与启示

    Trading Transparency and Information Disclosure : International Trend and Implication

  5. 循环经济下社会责任成本信息揭示

    Information Disclosure on Costs of Social Responsibility in Circular Economy

  6. 品牌资产的公允价值计量及其信息揭示研究

    The Research on Measurement and Information Disclosure of Fair Value of Brand Equity

  7. 跨国公司会计信息揭示的若干理论思考

    Theoretic thoughts on accounting disclosure of transnational corporation

  8. 词义信息揭示与汉英文化专有词目的译借和仿造

    Semantic Information Revealing and Interpreting , Borrowing and Modeling of Culture-specific Entries in Chinese-English Dictionaries

  9. 英美合同法中的信息揭示义务理论研究&兼谈合理预见规则

    The Theory of Duty to Reveal Information in Anglo-American Contract Law & On the Rule of Reasonable Foreseeability

  10. 在我国合同法上还应规定法官在适用合理预见规则时应考虑当事人是否尽到相应的信息揭示义务。

    The contract law of our country has to consider whether the parties fulfill their relevant obligations of disclosure .

  11. 目前关于信息揭示制度和交易透明度对市场运行效果的影响尚存在许多争议。

    Mixed opinions exist , however , regarding effect of information dissemination system and trading transparency on market operation .

  12. 金融活动通过资本的导向机制、信息揭示机制、风险管理机制以及产融结合机制改变资本在不同产业以及不同企业之间的配置结构,进而影响相关产业的整体发展。

    Financial activity change the capital allocation structure of industries through capital mechanism , information disclosure system and risk management mechanism .

  13. 因为物流交易因时间、地点、内容的不同而具有特殊性,因此对其真实成本信息揭示非常重要。

    Logistics transaction is different due to different time , place and content , so it is important to reveal real information of logistics transaction cost .

  14. 基于股票价格调整过程,从信息揭示速度、过程在股票收益的条件均值和条件波动维度上的不对称效应,研究了中国股市的信息反应模式。

    Based on the price adjustment process , this paper presented a theoretic and empirical research on the information reaction pattern in China 's security market .

  15. 内容提要:不断推进宏观统计数据质量评估研究的体系化和规范化,是该领域学术价值存续和有效信息揭示的必由出路。

    Abstract : It is the systematism and normalization of macro-level statistical data quality assessment research that ensure science value and information impression in the research realm .

  16. 这个新的结构信息揭示了病毒装配的薄弱部分吗,同时也提示了强力结合的部分。

    The new structure provides information on where the weakest links in the viral assembly are , as well as where the strength of the virus lies .

  17. 金融机构的功能主要有以下几个:风险管理功能、信息揭示功能、公司治理功能、集聚储蓄功能以及便利交易功能。

    Financial institutions function basically has the following several : the functions of risk management , information reveal , corporate governance , offer savings and convenient trading functions .

  18. 研究结果发现,无论是A股还是H股,公司规模越大,开盘阶段的信息揭示效率越高;

    It was found that for both A and H shares , the bigger the company was , the more efficient the opening period was in information revelation .

  19. 文中以供应链整体利润最大为目标,利用信息揭示原理设计了一个促使销售商报告真实成本的激励机制,从而达到供应链的协调。

    In order to make supply chain optimize , the paper designs incentive mechanism that induce retailer to report the true cost by revelation principle and make supply chain coordinate .

  20. 近年来学者们对信息揭示义务规则也展开了批判,为了正确适用这一规则,我们必须把握相关理念。

    These years , scholars have criticized the rule of duty to reveal information , and indeed in order to apply the rule correctly , we should grasp some relevant ideas .

  21. 资本市场具有聚集、融通、配置资本,分散风险,提供流动性,监管和信息揭示的功能,并通过这些功能的作用,促进产业结构优化,推动高新技术企业的发展;

    With the function of capital financing and distributing , risk diversifying , liquidity smoothing , supervising and information disclosing , capital market promotes industrial structure updating and the development of hi-tech enterprises .

  22. 两市场开放度、成熟度、市场结构和交易机制的区别导致H股开盘阶段的信息揭示效率高于A股。

    Moreover , opening period was more information efficient for H shares than A shares due to the difference between two markets in market maturity , opening degree , market structure and trading mechanism .

  23. 犯罪速度变化所承载的动态信息揭示了犯罪运行的规律性和可控性,具有重要的实用价值,在犯罪学研究和现代警务管理中表现为多方面用途:一是治安评估指标;

    The rate of crime shows us the dynamic information which reveals the regularity and controllable of criminal functioning , which has important applied values . These applied values in criminology research and modern policing management have many uses as follows : as an evaluation standards of public order ;

  24. 资本市场拥有信息揭示和量化评估优势,能提供多种投融资工具,具有风险的横向配置功能,股权治理机制也有利于对科研人员和管理者人力资本的激励和约束,促进创新成功。

    Capital market has the advantage of information revealing and quantitative assessing , and can supply different investment instruments . It bears the function of cross-sectional risk sharing , and the share ownership governance mechanism may propel and discipline the scientific staff and governors in a way of human capital .

  25. 癌症院的伊丽莎白·拉普利博士补充道:“这是一项激动人心的。它为了信息,揭示了DNA的突变是如何引发及癌症产生的。”

    Dr Elizabeth Rapley , of The Institute of Cancer Research , added : " These are exciting studies that show us a great deal about how cancer is triggered and driven by mutations in DNA . "

  26. 多天线信息理论揭示了多输入一多输出(MIMO:Multi-inputmulti-Output)技术所具有的远远超越于传统单天线系统的高效传输性能,为空时编码技术的产生与应用奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    The establishment and development of the multi-antenna information theory have revealed that the MIMO ( Multi-Input Multi-Output ) technique can provide extraordinarily high spectral efficiency gain over the traditional single antenna systems , which have also laid the theoretical foundation for the invention and applications of space-time codes .

  27. 网络信息资源揭示及其优化研究

    Study on the Description and Optimizing of Internet Information Resources

  28. 第四纪黄土剖面多元古土壤形成发育信息的揭示

    Revelation of information on genesis of multi paleosol from Quaternary loess profile

  29. 数据库是较为理想的电子信息资源揭示和组织方式。

    Database is a comparatively ideal pattern for the description and organization of electronic information resources .

  30. 获得了有关网格变形、等效应力场、等效应变场、速度场及载荷一行程曲线等信息,揭示了金属的变形流动规律。

    Information about the deformed sample , such as mesh distortion , distribution of equivalent strain and stress , velocity field and load-stroke curve has been got .