
  • 网络Trust Management;management of trust;Managing Trust
  1. Web安全中的信任管理研究与进展

    Research and Development of Trust Management in Web Security

  2. 一个多agent系统的分布式安全和信任管理框架

    A Framework of Multi-Agent System for Distributed Security and Trust Management

  3. 开放多Agent系统信任管理中的信任获取方法研究

    A Trust Acquisition Method for Trust Management in Open Multi-agent Systems

  4. Web使用挖掘在信任管理中的应用

    Application of Web Usage Mining in Trust Management

  5. 基于分布式信任管理的多Agent系统安全结构

    Security Framework for Multi-Agent System Based on Distributed Trust Management

  6. 基于信誉的P2P网络环境下信任管理模型研究

    Trust Management Model Research in the Peer-to-Peer Network Environment Based on Reputation

  7. 一种面向信任管理的委托授权模型及其在P2P安全中的应用

    Delegation Authorization Model for Trust Management and its Application in Peer-to-Peer Security

  8. 基于证据理论的P2P网信任管理方法研究

    On P2P Trust Management Method Based on Evidence Theory

  9. 另外讨论了Web服务安全中的信任管理,鉴于目前现有信任模型存在的问题,本文提出了一个基于策略、语义、访问控制、信任的Web服务管理系统。

    In addition consider the problem of exiting trust management , this thesis presents a policy semantic access control turst-based Web Service management system .

  10. 一种具有时间衰减和主观预期的P2P网络信任管理模型

    A New Trust Management Model for P2P Network with Time Self-Decay and Subjective Expect

  11. P2P文件共享网络中信任管理系统的设计

    Trust Management System for P2P File Sharing Networks

  12. P2P网络中基于声誉的信任管理研究

    Research of Reputation-based Trust Management in P2P Networks

  13. 本文首先研究了P2P网络信任管理中的信任获取问题。

    Trust management in P2P network is studied .

  14. 一种基于P2P环境的全局信任管理模型

    A Global Trust Management Model for P2P Network

  15. 信任管理是解决开放多agent系统安全性问题最有前途的思路,而其基础之一就是信任获取。

    Trust management is the most promising approach to ensure security in open multi-agent systems . One of its basis is trust acquisition .

  16. 信任管理研究及在MAS系统中的应用

    The Studying of Trust Management and Application in MAS System

  17. 在这种情况下,在P2P网络中建立行之有效的信任管理机制显得十分重要。

    In this case , to establish effective mechanisms for trust management in the P2P networks is very importance .

  18. 本文分析了当今安全管理系统暴露出的诸多问题,并且在基于XML的安全管理平台中引入了信任管理机制。

    In this paper , we analyze the problems exposed by the current security management systems , and intro-duce the trust mechanism to XML-based security management platform .

  19. KeyNote信任管理系统及其在主动网络中的应用

    KeyNote trust management system and its application in active networks

  20. 对认证策略的思想用基于Ponder的策略语言进行分析描述,对信任管理做出部署。

    With the thought of authentication strategy based on Ponder language to deploy trust management . 4 .

  21. 在基于灰色预测的信任管理模型中,一般采用GM(1,1)模型预测节点的信任值。

    Generally , the trust value is predicted by the GM ( 1,1 ) model in trust management model based on gray prediction .

  22. KeyNote信任管理系统改进与扩展

    Betterment and extension of KeyNote trust management system

  23. 一种基于Keynote信任管理系统的主动组播组控制机制研究

    A research on the active multicast control mechanism based on Keynote trust management system

  24. 对于P2P电子商务交易的可信问题,主要研究信任管理中的三个部分,即:基础设施、服务和通信。

    For trust in P2P e-commerce , research deals with three levels of trust in the management , i.e. , infrastructure , services , and communications .

  25. KeyNote信任管理系统

    KeyNote Trust Management System

  26. 因此,在开放式网络环境中建立可靠的信任管理模型是当前PKI体系必须解决的关键问题。

    Therefore , establishing a reliable trust management model is the key task that the PKI system should solve in the open style network .

  27. 最后提出了当前PKI域中信任管理模型研究存在的问题及今后的研究方向。

    Finally , it puts forward the existing problem of trust management model at present and research direction in the future in PKI field .

  28. 使依托于PKI系统的资源的管理者可以根据自身的安全策略实现对资源的访问控制、权限管理、信任管理等。

    So that the owner of the resources could implement access control , authority management , trust management using his security policies under the support of PKI .

  29. 本文将对象中间件技术同信任管理技术有机地结合起来,定义了面向中间件的授权策略框架MPF,然后提出一种通用中间件授权管理体系结构StarNumen。

    This paper combines the technology of object-based middleware and trust management technologies , and defines an authorization policy framework for middleware .

  30. 将整个安全电子邮件客户端系统划分为OutlookExpress访问控制模块、用户接口模块、安全服务嵌入模块、密钥和信任管理模块、以及安全服务提供模块和系统配置模块。

    The whole system is divided into access and control of outlook express module , user interface module , security service embedding module , key and trust management module , provision of security service module and configuration module in this dissertation .