
  • 网络screening;screening model;Information Discriminate;signal screening
  1. 基于财务数据的信息甄别&以通信产业为例

    Financial-Data-Based Information Screening : the Case of Telecommunication Industry Listed Companies

  2. 信号传递和信息甄别模型浅析及其应用

    A Brief Discussion on the Model and Application of Signaling and Screening

  3. 合同市场中的发电商成本信息甄别

    Informational discrimination in suppliers ' costs on contract market

  4. 基于信号发送与信息甄别的物流增值服务研究

    Logistics Value-Added Services Based Upon Information Transmission and Discriminate

  5. 供应商采用数量折扣策略对零售商进行信息甄别,最大化供应商的期望利润。

    To maximize its profit , supplier adopts quantity discounts to screen the retailers .

  6. 神灵信仰、信息甄别与古代清官断案

    Belief in Spirits , Information Screening and Cases of Good Judges in Pre-modern China

  7. 面向信息甄别的物流外包合同设计研究

    Logistics Outsourcing Contract Model Oriented to Info-Screening

  8. 公司期权制度与试用期组合机制&一个人力资源信息甄别博弈模型

    A Game Theory Model on the Information Screen Effect of Compose of Option and Probation Period Mechanism

  9. 垄断企业营销定价策略中的信息甄别与最优非线性定价模型研究

    Research on the Model of Information Screening and Optimal Non-linear Pricing in the Pricing Strategy of Monopolistic Firms

  10. 区位选择是一种资源的投入过程,对这一过程需要大量的资金投入和信息甄别。

    The location choice , as one of the resources investment process , needs massive funds investment and information recognition .

  11. 政策不确定条件下外资银行入股中资银行策略研究&基于客户信息甄别的视角

    The Study on Foreign Banks ' Strategic Investment in China 's Banks under Policy Uncertainty : Based on Loan Screening Perspective

  12. 论述了发电商成本信息甄别的机理,提出了用于甄别发电商成本信息的合同设计模型。

    The mechanism of informational discrimination on cost of suppliers is discussed and the model of incentive contract design of suppliers'cost is presented .

  13. 在此基础上,构建信息甄别模型,通过这一模型来说明银行如何通过信贷配给来对拥有高质量和低质量项目的企业进行甄别。

    The screening model has been constructed to explain how can bank screen the firm with high quality project or low by credit ration .

  14. 基于回购合同的季末库存残值信息甄别研究计算出期末存货成本(或销货成本)。

    Research on Screening Information of Surplus Value of Overstock with Buyback Contract pricing out either the cost of goods sold or the ending inventory .

  15. 为了有效解决投资家对风险企业投资时产生的逆向选择问题,建立了信息甄别模型,以此来降低信息不对称的程度。

    To solve adverse selection when venture capitalist invest in venture , there is modeling a signaling model to reduce the degree of information asymmetry .

  16. 文章建立了基于数量折扣策略且能最大化供应商期望利润的信息甄别模型,分析了模型解的性质,给出了求解方法。

    We formulate a screening model to maximize supplier 's profit , then analyze the properties of the model and put forward the solution procedures .

  17. 当前可暂以净资产收益率作为配股依据,再选一些附加财务指标,这样即可部分克服混同均衡引起的信息甄别上的困难,也同时增加了上市公司操纵业绩的难度。

    As a temporary measure , the right offering of a corporation may be decided according to its net assets yield as well as some other financial indexes .

  18. 解决问题的方法是设计有效的机制,对可能出现的逆向选择可以运用信号传递和信息甄别机制,对道德风险可以运用效率工资和工龄工资机制并配合强有力的监督机制。

    Since there is asymmetric information between them , agency problems such as moral hazard and adverse selection will appear . The solution is to design an efficient mechanism .

  19. 最后通过构建信息甄别模型求出了在双方对第三方物流企业的成本类型存在信息不对称时,制造商的最优协调策略。

    At last we establish a screening game model to get manufacturer 's optimal strategy when he can 't get the full information about TPL 's handling cost type .

  20. 本章研究发现:1.从成本和能力因素角度看,技术交易双方无法通过有效的信号传递和信息甄别消除逆向选择,需要借助于第三方发出具有公信力的市场信号;

    We have found : ( 1 ) from the view of costs and powers , the third party other than the two transacting sides should signal the creditable " marketing signals ";

  21. 在面向信息甄别的物流外包合同中,提供给低能力的第三方物流服务提供者的外包合同参数中既不需包含激励因子,也不需包含惩罚因子;

    In the logistics outsourcing contract oriented to info-screening , the contract parameters offered to the third-party logistics provider with low capability neither include any penalty scheme , nor an incentive scheme .

  22. 在前人的基础上本文分别建立了信息甄别模型,分析了模型解的性质,给出了模型的求解方法;并假设经销商市场需求呈均匀分布作了算例分析。

    Based on previous literature , we formulate a screening model separately . Then we analyze its properties and put forward solution procedures . Then we assume the demand distributions of retailers are uniform to do numerical study .

  23. 金融深化促进了技术创新的发展,金融中介为技术创新筹融资,提供风险分散和管理,进行信息甄别,对支持的企业提供倾斜贷款,并对企业自主创新过程进行监控。

    Financial deepening promotes technology innovation . Financial intermediaries can raise capital for technology innovation , provide risk diversification and management , supply information screening mechanism , offer loans for businesses , and monitor the process of enterprises ' innovation .

  24. 论证了信号传递模型与信息甄别模型结合使用,可以规避项目决策上的逆向选择;分析了分阶段注资与参与监管作为不完备契约的补充,是减少道德风险的有效相机治理;

    Game analysis show that the combined application of signaling model and screening model can evade the adverse selection for the program decision , and the grading investing and the supervisor as the contingent governance measures can efficiently reduce the moral hazard .

  25. 结果表明,以传递研发外包创新实力的信号传递模型和设计不同研发实力下的报酬合同的信息甄别模型可以抑制外包商的逆向选择。

    The results show that the adverse selection of venders can be prevented from the signaling model and the information screening model , with the former model conveys the strength of R & D outsourcing and the latter one designing the rewarding contracts of the venders ' ability .

  26. 在此基础上,本文基于与传统新闻发言人的比较来分析政府网络新闻发言人引导突发事件舆论时在时效性和互动性等方面具备的优势,同时分析了其在信息甄别力等方面面临的挑战。

    Based on this , this paper analyzes the advantages like timeliness and interactivity of government network spokesman in guiding public opinions for emergent events by comparing with the traditional news spokesman . In the meantime , it also analyzes the challenges faced in the aspects like information screening ability .

  27. 石英砂分选机是集光、机、电于一体的,利用采集待分选物料图像信息来甄别杂质的高科技设备。

    Quartz Sand Sorting Machine is a type of high-tech equipment , which combines light , machinery and electricity that applies collection of the materials image information to screen impurities .

  28. 基于Hash表的分类信息匹配及甄别算法

    Algorithm of classification information matching and discriminating model based on Hash table

  29. 因而,采用10g粗制粉面包的制作方法,可以快速有效地获得鉴定小麦育种的材料、粮食和食品行业的原料等相关信息,以甄别其是否适合制作面包。

    Therefore , making 10g bread with wheat meal is a fast and effective way to gain the relative information in material assessment for wheat breeding as well as grain and food evaluation so as to verify if the material is suitable for bread making .

  30. 投资者面对市场上纷繁复杂的信息,需要甄别出对自己决策有用的信息。

    Facing abundant and complicated information , investors need to screen out the useful ones for his decision-making .