
  • 网络Special Literature;special publications;Specific documents
  1. 特种文献数据库系统关键技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Key Techniques of Special Literature Database System

  2. 中药特种文献教学方法的研究

    Study on Teaching Methods of Special Literature of Chinese Materia Medica

  3. 特种文献索引

    Index of Special Literature

  4. 其中,期刊占67.4%,图书占26.7%,特种文献占5.9%;

    Among all citations , periodicals , books and special documents accounted for 67.4 % , 26.7 % and 5.9 % respectively ;

  5. 引文类型,期刊占66.7%,图书和特种文献占33.3%;

    The rates of document type of citation , periodicals were 66 7 % , while books and special categories of document were 33 3 % .

  6. 为探讨中药特种文献教学的方法,在阐述中药特种文献的特点与价值的基础上,总结了教学经验。认为专利文献是中药特种文献教学的重点,并介绍了专利文献教学的主要方法和体会。

    This paper discusses the features and values of the special literature of Chinese materia medica and studies the teaching methods , especially the ones of patent literature .

  7. 引文类型包括期刊、专著、报纸、电子文献和特种文献,篇均引文3.29篇,其中学术期刊引文量占41.49%,中文引文占87.86%,外文引文占12.14%。

    Works cited including periodicals , monographs , newspaper , e-books and special literature and each article including 3.29 cited works on average , of which 41.49 % being learned periodicals , 87.86 % in Chinese and 12.14 % in other languages .

  8. 系统模块主要完成用户的管理和用户的访问控制,资源管理模块主要完成后期资源的加工、更新、文件上传等,用户检索模块主要实现用户对特种文献资源的检索、浏览和下载等功能。

    System module mainly complete user management and user access control , resource management module mainly complete later resources processing , update , file upload , etc , the user retrieval module mainly realizes user for special literature resources of retrieval , browse and download , and other functions .

  9. DC元数据在特种地方文献著录中的应用

    Using DC in the Description of Special Local Collections