
  • 网络catastrophe model;Cusp Catastrophe Model;Butter-fly Catastrophe Model
  1. 岩体准静态运动失稳的CUSP型突变模型

    A cusp catastrophe model to interpret loss of stable equilibrium in rock quasi-static movement

  2. 斜坡失稳的燕尾突变模型

    Analysis of coattail catastrophe model of slope failures using stiffness ratio

  3. 尖点突变模型在FRP约束混凝土柱变形中的应用

    Application of CCM to Deformation of FRP-Restrained Concrete Column

  4. 铝电解生产中阳极效应的Cusp突变模型

    The Catastrophic Cusp Model of Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis

  5. CUSP突变模型在地壳形变和强震危险性判定中的应用

    Application of cusp catastrophic model to hazard decision of crustal deformation and strong earthquakes

  6. 本文对直立走滑断层地震提出一个简单的力学模型,用尖角型(Cusp)的突变模型研究了地震过程的机制。

    This paper provides a simple mechanics model of earthquake for the strike-slip faulting and studies the mechanism of the earthquake by a cusp type catastrophic model .

  7. 分析得出:许多不同的因素和突变模型,及一些来自于P2、P3巨大回文结构的影响,共同控制着串联重复序列的突变类型。

    Based on the analysis , various different factors and models , as well as some impact coming from the special palindrome structures and the regional GC content influence , together control the repeats ' mutation pattern . 2 .

  8. 用突变模型研究森林蓄积的稳定性

    Study on Stability of Forest Growing Stock by Catastrophe Theory Model

  9. 走向条带煤柱破坏失稳的尖点突变模型

    Cusp catastrophic model of instability of strip coal pillar along strike

  10. 基于尖点突变模型的承压水底板突水研究

    Study of Water-inrush from Water-pressed Floor Based on Cusp Catastrophic Model

  11. 尖点突变模型在地下水特殊脆弱性评价中的应用

    Application of cusp catastrophe model to the groundwater specific vulnerability assessment

  12. 尖点突变模型在环境领域中的应用研究

    The Study on Application of Cusp Catastrophe Model in Environment Field

  13. 基于内外因素分析的边坡突变模型分析

    Slope mutation model analysis based on inner and outside factors analysis

  14. 深埋隧道开挖围岩失稳突变模型研究

    Surrounding rock instability based on catastrophe model of deep-buried tunnel excavation

  15. 准脆性材料破裂过程失稳的尖点突变模型

    A cusp catastrophe model of unstable failure process of quasi-brittle materials

  16. 大气中对流的分岔和突变模型

    A model of bifurcation and catastrophe of the convection in atmosphere

  17. 尖点突变模型与平均场理论

    The relation between cusp model of catastrophe and mean field theory

  18. 基于尖点突变模型的地震液化和孔压研究

    Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction and Pore Water Pressure Based on Cusp Catastrophe Model

  19. 基于尖点突变模型对复杂系统脆性问题的研究

    Research on Brittleness of Complex System Based on Cusp Catastrophe Model

  20. 条带开采中采空区顶板突变模型及稳定性分析

    Catastrophic model of gob roof in strip mining and its stability analysis

  21. 基于实测资料的边坡稳定性评价突变模型

    Catastrophe model stability evaluation of slope based on observed data

  22. 细胞培养方法制备环磷酰胺致突变模型研究

    Model establishment of cyclophosphamide - induced mutation by cell culture

  23. 高速滑坡临滑变形能突变模型的研究

    A deformation energy catastrophic model of highspeed landslide before sliding

  24. 洞室岩爆的尖角型突变模型

    The Study of Chamber Rockburst by the CUSP Model of Catastrophe Theory

  25. 弹性圆柱壳冲击扭转屈曲的突变模型

    A catastrophe model for the Impact Torsional Buckling of elastic cylindrical shell

  26. 地下工程中支架和围岩相互作用的突变模型

    Catastrophe model of support and surrounding rock of underground engineering

  27. 软粘土流动性的尖顶突变模型分析

    Analysis of Flowing Rule for Soft Clay With the Cusp Catastrophe Model

  28. 基于折迭型突变模型的混凝土坝稳定分析

    Analysis of Stability of Concrete Dam Using Fold Catastrophe Model

  29. 基于小波分析和尖点突变模型的裂缝转异诊断

    Abnormality diagnosis of cracks based on wavelet analysis and cusp catastrophe model

  30. 矿坑底板突水的突变模型研究

    Research on a cusp catastrophic model of water bursting in pit floors